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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

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Risultati da 1 a 12 di 14
Autore Titolo Corso di studi Relatore
FERRETTI, ANDREA Equazioni nell'anello di Hadamard MATEMATICA Zannier , Umberto
VENEZIANO, FRANCESCO Il teorema di Siegel come applicazione del teorema del sottospazio MATEMATICA Zannier , Umberto
PERUGINELLI, GIULIO Integer values of polynomials MATEMATICA Zannier , Umberto
CHECCOLI, SARA On fields of algebraic numbers with bounded local degrees MATEMATICA Zannier , Umberto
CIAPPI, ANDREA Integral points on algebraic varieties, with special emphasis on complements of divisors SCIENZE DI BASE "GALILEO GALILEI" Zannier , Umberto
MALAGOLI, FRANCESCA Continued fractions in function fields: polynomial analogues of McMullen's and Zaremba's conjectures MATEMATICA Zannier , Umberto
DEMEIO, JULIAN LAWRENCE Non-rational varieties with the Hilbert Property MATEMATICA Zannier , Umberto
MOSCARIELLO, ALESSIO Lacunary polynomials and compositions MATEMATICA Zannier , Umberto
BALLINI, FRANCESCO On the torsion Values for Sections of an elliptic Scheme MATEMATICA Zannier , Umberto
NACCARATO, FRANCESCO The Congruent Number Problem and ranks in quadratic twist families of elliptic curves MATEMATICA Zannier , Umberto
NIERI, DIEGO Nanowire dots as quantum radiation detectors FISICA Zannier , Valentina
SORODOC, ROBERT ANDREI Growth and characterization of GaAsP quantum dot nanowires MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Zannier , Valentina

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