Instructions for uploading the thesis |
Below is a brief description of the mandatory uploading theses process in ETD. For the doctoral theses, final theses of three-year degrees, master and specialization courses, see following sections.
Access to ETD is via University credentials.
To upload the thesis in ETD it is necessary to have first submitted the degree application to the Student Secretariat via the Alice portal.
The mandatory uploading of the thesis is divided into 5 steps: 3 by the author, and then 2 by the thesis supervisor.
1. Creation of the electronic title page, choice of consultability option and assumption of responsibility
After submitting the degree application, it is possible to proceed with the creation of the electronic title page of the thesis.
It is necessary to fill in the form with identification data of the thesis (not editable after first insertion),
key words and abstract (modifiable until the thesis closing date,
ie 6 days before the start date of graduation appeal), wich constitute the metadata of thesis.
Exceptionally and for proven reasons, it is possible to ask the ETD Staff to intervene on the non-modifiable data
or after the closing of the thesis, as long as within the discussion date.
The menu on the left indicates in red the necessary operations to complete the process.
The creation of the electronic title page includes the choice of consultability option and the assumption of responsibility by the author of the thesis.
Choice of the consultability option
Consultability means the possibility of freely reading and downloading the PDF of the complete thesis from ETD,
without any form of registration.
The restrictions on the consultability of the thesis are imposed by current legislation or freely chosen by the author and the supervisor.
- thesis freely avalaible
- thesis freely avalaible after 3 years from the date of the discussion
- thesis freely available after 40 years from the date of the discussion
- thesis freely available after 70 years from the date of the discussion
Attention: the consultability option chosen by the author of the thesis must be validated by the first supervisor, and cannot be changed independently by the candidate but only by contacting the Staff ETD. In the event that the supervisor does not confirm the choice of consultability made by the author or does not express his opinion, the thesis will be officially classified for the long term (70 years), regardless of the candidate’s choice. Therefore, it is advisable to agree on the consultability option with your supervisor before making this choice.
Assumption of responsibility
The author of the thesis declares under his own responsibility to be aware that:
- that the content and organization of the thesis is an original work made by him;
- that the thesis filed in ETD is complete and definitive;
- to be aware of the fact that the thesis filed in ETD is the only one to which the University of Pisa will refer;
- to be aware of the fact that in the event of false declarations, the provisions of the law apply.
Confirmation of the creation of the electronic title page of the thesis
The button Generate title page will generate the electronic title page of the thesis.The electronic title page shows on the left in red the thesis closing date, corresponding to 6 days before the graduation session start date, within which the thesis must be loaded in ETD in its complete and final version.
With the creation of the electronic title page, ETD will send an email with the subject Notification of creation of the electronic title page to the author and the supervisors containing a link for access to the thesis in read-only.
2. Print (to PDF) the electronic title page of the thesis
The title page generated by ETD, which can be called up from View electronic title page, must be saved in PDF format from Print electronic title page (by selecting a virtual printer from the list of your computer, eg. Microsoft print to pdf) and then must be sent by email from the candidate to the supervisor for digital signature. The candidate’s signature is not required.
For specialist, master’s, single-cycle and old system degrees, the supervisor’s signature can be:
- DIGITAL SIGNATURE (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED): the candidate sends by email the PDF of the electronic title page to the supervisor who signs it digitally, saves it and returns it by email to the candidate.
- DIGITALIZED SIGNATURE: the candidate sends by email the PDF of the electronic title page to the supervisor who prints it, signs it in the original, scans it (or photographs it) and returns it by email to the candidate, together with a copy of a document valid identity.
The ETD Staff can inform the author and the supervisor, via email, of irregularities in the data of the electronic title page.
In case of renunciation of the graduation session, in order to start a new process of creating the electronic title page in ETD,
it is necessary to cancel what has already been entered through the appropriate link that is activated only after the cancellation
of the graduation application at the student Secretariat.
The data on the electronic title page (metadata) will be publicly visible in ETD only after the discussion of the thesis, the closure of the administrative procedure at the Student Secretariat and the formal checks by the ETD Staff.
3. Uploading the thesis files
The author must upload the thesis files in ETD in a complete and definitive form by the thesis closing date,
indicated in red on the left on the created electronic title page, corresponding to 6 days before the graduation session start date.
Within the closing date of the thesis the author can add, delete, replace the thesis files independently.
After this date, changes by the author are no longer possible. Only exceptionally and if the discussion has not yet taken place,
the author can send the correct files to the ETD Staff, together with the Declaration signed by the supervisor, and request their upload.
The thesis files, mandatorily in PDF format, are uploaded to ETD via the File upload function.
The menu on the left indicates in red the necessary operations to complete the process.
4. Confirmation of the thesis’s validity by the supervisor
At the thesis closing date, indicated on the left in red on the electronic title page created, corresponding to 6 days before the graduation session start date, ETD closes the thesis. The author and the supervisors indicated on the electronic title page access it, in read-only mode, up to 15 days after the graduation session start date, using the link received in the email with the subject Notification of creation of the electronic title page.
Whit the closed thesis, the first supervisor will have 4 days to verify and confirm on ETD the validity of the thesis for the final discussion.
The candidate will be notified by e-mail of this confirmation or not.
Only in the event that confirmation of the validity of the thesis is explicitly denied, the candidate is not admitted to the discussion of the thesis.
5. Validation of the consultability option by the supervisor
The consultability option chosen by the author of the thesis must be validated by the supervisor by means of a specific signature in ETD (Regulation for electronic theses. Art. 3 paragraph 5). If the supervisor does not validate the consultability option or does not express himself on the matter, the thesis will be officially classified for the long term (70 years) and, to modify its accessibility, it will be necessary to contact the ETD Staff and re-involve the supervisor. Therefore, it is advisable to agree the consultation option with your supervisor before making this choice.
Contact the Student Secretariat for administrative aspects and those concerning the Alice student portal (presentation of the graduation application, deadlines for delivery to offices, etc.).
Contact the ETD Staff, through the appropriate Contact the ETD Staff function,
for problems in accessing the system, creating the electronic title page, uploading files, etc.
Archiving of the thesis in ETD
The data on the electronic title page will be publicly visible only after the discussion of the thesis, the closure of the administrative file at the Student Secretariat and the formal checks by the ETD Staff.
Doctoral thesis
To upload the doctoral dissertations in ETD, see the appropriate instructions on the PhD page of the University of Pisa.
Three-year final theses degrees and final reports of master and specialization courses
The uploading in ETD of three-year degree final theses and final reports of master and specialization courses is not mandatory.
These works can be uploaded on ETD only in agreement with the supervisors and only after the discussion.
To request the upload it is necessary for the authors to fill out the appropriate form which,
signed by the supervisor, must be sent to the Staff ETD. Only after receiving the form,
the Staff will enable the author to proceed with the uploading of his work which, once received the authorization,
must be completed on the same day it started.
For all other formalities related to final theses of three-year degress and final reports of master and specialization courses, contact the Student Secretariats and the Didactic Secretariat.