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Cerca per relatore della tesi

Risultati da 1 a 9 di 9
Autore Titolo Corso di studi Relatore
TARDELLI, FRANCESCA Pre- and post-harvest factors influencing quality, organoleptics, nutrition properties and physiology of fresh-cut fruits SCIENZA DELLE PRODUZIONI VEGETALI De Pinto , Maria Concetta
MANCARI, ALESSANDRO Parametric responses to binocular depth in human visual cortex NEUROSCIENCE Morrone , Maria Concetta
FORNARI, LAURA Behavioural and structural analysis of the interaction between language rule learning and temporal attention in Huntington's Disease. NEUROSCIENCE Morrone , Maria Concetta
MANCARI, ALESSANDRO Effect of Auditory Entrainment on Visual Time Perception BIOLOGIA MOLECOLARE E CELLULARE Morrone , Maria Concetta
RANIERI, GIACOMO Electrophysiology of Picturing Metaphors: the Role of Modality and its Effects on Memory NEUROSCIENCE Morrone , Maria Concetta
DEANGELI, GIULIO Alpha-synuclein and Parkinson's Disease: mechanistic understanding of the molecular and cellular pathophysiology of Neurodegeneration MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA Morrone , Maria Concetta
PASQUALETTI, MARTINA Homeostatic plasticity in adult human visual system: evidence from binocular rivalry and binocular phase combination. NEUROSCIENCE Morrone , Maria Concetta
FANTI, MARTINA Effects of the Stimulation of the Olfactory Epithelium on Brain Activity and Its Behavioural Correlates NEUROSCIENCE Morrone , Maria Concetta
PESCINI, ELENA Effetti della deprivazione di sonno sulla plasticita' sensoriale visiva e sulla attività mentale spontanea PSICOLOGIA CLINICA E DELLA SALUTE Morrone , Maria Concetta

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