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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa


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Cerca per relatore della tesi

Risultati da 1 a 5 di 5
Autore Titolo Corso di studi Relatore
TAVERNI, GEMMA Microfabrication and chronic in-vivo study of an intrafascicular electrode for the Peripheral Nervous System INGEGNERIA BIOMEDICA Capogrosso , Marco
FURONE, ROBERTA Motoneuron activity in the Spinal Cord during Electrical Epidural Stimulation for the restoration of locomotion after spinal cord injury: a modelling study. INGEGNERIA BIOMEDICA Capogrosso , Marco
LOSANNO, ELENA Design and Implementation of Spinal Cord Electrical Stimulation protocols for the recovery of reaching and grasping in non-human primates BIONICS ENGINEERING Capogrosso , Marco
GRANI, FABRIZIO Effects of Cervical Epidural Electrical Stimulation on Arm Muscle Activations and Kinematics in a Non-Human Primate BIONICS ENGINEERING Capogrosso , Marco
COMETA, ANDREA Leveraging advanced machine learning techniques to develop robust movement decoders BIONICS ENGINEERING Capogrosso , Marco

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