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Cerca per relatore della tesi

Risultati da 1 a 5 di 5
Autore Titolo Corso di studi Relatore
PACINI, DIEGO Design and implementation of a key derivation module compliant with the IEEE 802.1x-2010 key hierarchy COMPUTER ENGINEERING Carnevale , Berardino
CROCETTI, LUCA Design of an AES-GCM cryptographic core for the IEEE 802.1AE standard INGEGNERIA ELETTRONICA Carnevale , Berardino
DEMI, MARCO Design and implementation of an UVM functional verification environment for IEEE 802.1AE-compliant MAC Security IPs in automotive applications INGEGNERIA ELETTRONICA Carnevale , Berardino
BALDANZI, LUCA Data Security for Automotive Embedded Systems: Design and Verification of a Secure Hardware Extension prototype INGEGNERIA ELETTRONICA Carnevale , Berardino
DIANA, LORENZO Study and development of a SW driver for embedded OS in automotive data security applications: the Hardware Secure Module case study COMPUTER ENGINEERING Carnevale , Berardino

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