Tesi etd-12062021-212121 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
La solitudine e il mal del siglo nella poesia romantica spagnola
Corso di studi
relatore Pierucci, Daniela
Parole chiave
- loneliness
- mal del siglo
- poesía
- poetry
- Romanticismo español
- soledad
- solitude
- Spanish Romanticism
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Lo scopo di tale elaborato è analizzare come il sentimento di solitudine e le varie sfumature del "mal del siglo" si riflettono nella poetica di diversi poeti e poetesse appartenenti al Romanticismo spagnolo. La prima parte è volta a spiegare le origini del movimento in Spagna nonché la concezione di tale corrente con una particolare attenzione riguardo la polemica calderoniana e la vita e l'attività letteraria degli scrittori emigrati all'estero. Uno spazio non irrilevante sarà anche dedicato allo studio delle riviste letterarie che nacquero in quegli anni e alla scrittura femminile, troppo spesso dimenticata e relegata a una posizione inferiore. Nella parte conclusiva dell'elaborato si presenterà, seguendo un ordine cronologico in base alla data di nascita di ogni autore, l'analisi di un corpus di testi da me scelto: "La soledad" di Francisco Martínez de la Rosa, "Soledad del alma" e "El reo de muerte" di Espronceda, "Soledad del alma" e "Después de la muerte de mi marido" di Getrudis Gómez de Avellaneda,"A la soledad" e "No hay nada más triste que el último adiós" di Carolina Coronado, quattro "soleares andalusas" di Augusto Ferrán, le rime LII,LXV, LXXIII e LXXVI di Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer ed infine "Fragmentos" e "Un manso río, una vereda estrecha" di Rosalía de Castro.
The purpose of this work is to analyse how the feelings of solitude and loneliness and the various nuances of "mal del siglo" reflect in the poetics of several poets belonging to the Spanish Romanticism. The first part aims to explain the origins of the movement in Spain as well as the conception of this current with particular attention to the calderonian controversy and the life and the literary activity of the writers who emigrated abroad. Moreover, a not insignificant space will be dedicated to the study of literary magazines that were born in those years and to female writing, too often forgotten and relegated to a lower position. In the final part of the paper I am going to present the analysis of a corpus of texts, following a chronological order based on the date of birth of each author: "La soledad" by Francisco Martínez de la Rosa, "Soledad del alma" and "El reo de muerte" by Espronceda, "Soledad del alma" and "Después de la muerte de mi marido" by Getrudis Gómez de Avellaneda,"A la soledad" and "No hay nada más triste que el último adiós" by Carolina Coronado, four "soleares andalusas" by Augusto Ferrán, Rhymes LII,LXV, LXXIII and LXXVI by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer and finally "Fragmentos" and "Un manso río, una vereda estrecha" by Rosalía de Castro.
The purpose of this work is to analyse how the feelings of solitude and loneliness and the various nuances of "mal del siglo" reflect in the poetics of several poets belonging to the Spanish Romanticism. The first part aims to explain the origins of the movement in Spain as well as the conception of this current with particular attention to the calderonian controversy and the life and the literary activity of the writers who emigrated abroad. Moreover, a not insignificant space will be dedicated to the study of literary magazines that were born in those years and to female writing, too often forgotten and relegated to a lower position. In the final part of the paper I am going to present the analysis of a corpus of texts, following a chronological order based on the date of birth of each author: "La soledad" by Francisco Martínez de la Rosa, "Soledad del alma" and "El reo de muerte" by Espronceda, "Soledad del alma" and "Después de la muerte de mi marido" by Getrudis Gómez de Avellaneda,"A la soledad" and "No hay nada más triste que el último adiós" by Carolina Coronado, four "soleares andalusas" by Augusto Ferrán, Rhymes LII,LXV, LXXIII and LXXVI by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer and finally "Fragmentos" and "Un manso río, una vereda estrecha" by Rosalía de Castro.
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