Tesi etd-11202024-101802 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Il percorso scientifico di Galileo in una proposta di didattica della Fisica nei Licei
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Massai, Marco Maria
Parole chiave
- didactic
- didattica
- Galileo
- high school
- history of science
- liceo
- metodo scientifico
- scientific method
- storia della scienza
- teaching
Data inizio appello
Questa tesi consiste in un lavoro di didattica della fisica e della sua storia, ma per i particolari contenuti può essere letta anche nell’ambito di una più vasta Storia della Scienza. L’obiettivo principale è quello di fornire a studenti di una quarta liceo scientifico uno strumento originale nel contesto dell’insegnamento attuale, per far maturare in loro consapevolezza negli studi scientifici. Poiché l’intento era quello di sfruttare le competenze disciplinari da loro apprese durante il percorso scolastico, si è scelto di presentare la nascita della scienza moderna tramite l’esperienza storico-scientifica di Galileo Galilei. Il lavoro è suddiviso in sette capitoli, ovvero: Introduzione, Motivazioni e scelte didattiche, Materiale scritto (elaborato e consegnato agli studenti), Lavoro in classe (log-book dell'esperienza), Test e valutazione, Conclusione, Appendice (contenente due potenziali estensioni del lavoro stesso, una al di fuori del contesto liceale, una, puramente scritta, sulla prima Pila Atomica, per una quinta liceo).
This thesis is about the didactic of Physics, but it can be related to a more general History of Science. Its main goal consists in the presentation of an original tool in the context of modern education to high school students (fourth year of their studying journey), in order to try to make them more aware about their scientific studies. In order to do that, the Beginning of Science with respect to Galileo Galilei's work and experience, was the chosen subject. The entire thesis is divided into seven chapters, which are: an Introduction, Reasons and didactic choices, Written material (material that was given to the students), Direct experience (log-book of the experience with the students), Tests and results (which also includes an esteem of the validity of the entire work), Conclusions, Appendix (where two different possible extensions are presented).
This thesis is about the didactic of Physics, but it can be related to a more general History of Science. Its main goal consists in the presentation of an original tool in the context of modern education to high school students (fourth year of their studying journey), in order to try to make them more aware about their scientific studies. In order to do that, the Beginning of Science with respect to Galileo Galilei's work and experience, was the chosen subject. The entire thesis is divided into seven chapters, which are: an Introduction, Reasons and didactic choices, Written material (material that was given to the students), Direct experience (log-book of the experience with the students), Tests and results (which also includes an esteem of the validity of the entire work), Conclusions, Appendix (where two different possible extensions are presented).
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