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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-11182013-105734

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Quantitative Evaluation and Reevaluation of Security in Services
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Corso di studi
tutor Dott. Martinelli, Fabio
Parole chiave
  • risk assessment
  • security decision making
  • security metrics
  • service-oriented architecture
  • SOA
  • UCON
  • uncertain data
  • usage control
Data inizio appello
Services are software components or systems designed to support interoperable machine or application-oriented interaction over a network. The popularity of services grows because they are easily accessible, very flexible, provide reach functionality, and can constitute more complex services. During the service selection, the user considers not only functional requirements to a service but also security requirements. The user would like to be aware that security of the service satisfies security requirements before starting the exploitation of the service, i.e., before the service is granted to access assets of the user. Moreover, the user wants to be sure that security of the service satisfies security requirements during the exploitation which may last for a long period. Pursuing these two goals require security of the service to be evaluated before the exploitation and continuously reevaluated during the exploitation.

This thesis aims at a framework consisting of several quantitative methods for evaluation and continuous reevaluation of security in services. The methods should help a user to select a service and to control the service security level during the exploitation. The thesis starts with the formal model for general quantitative security metrics and for risk that may be used for the evaluation of security in services. Next, we adjust the computation of security metrics with a refined model of an attacker. Then, the thesis proposes a general method for the evaluation of security of a complex service composed from several simple services using different security metrics. The method helps to select the most secure design of the complex service. In addition, the thesis describes an approach based on the Usage Control (UCON) model for continuous reevaluation of security in services. Finally, the thesis discusses several strategies for a cost-effective decision making in the UCON under