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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-10252024-100441

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Sviluppo di un banco prova outdoor per pneumatici
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Bucchi, Francesco
relatore Prof. Frendo, Francesco
Parole chiave
  • outdoor test rig
  • test rig
  • tire
  • tire loads
  • tire testing
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Tire plays a crucial role in vehicles, its properties, behavior, and characterization are essential.
Typically tire properties are obtained through dedicated test rigs, which can be classified as indoor or outdoor rigs. Indoor rigs use abrasive rollers on which tire rotates, offering repeatability and cost-effectiveness, though they do not faithfully replicate the tire-asphalt interaction. On the other hand, outdoor rigs test the tire directly on real pavements, providing more realistic results but at higher costs and greater complexity. Often, large vehicles like semi-trailers are adapted as mobile test rigs. This thesis aims to develop and assemble an outdoor test rig that combines the advantages of both types: a cost-effective system capable of conducting on-road tire tests.
This was achieved by designing a plug-in system that interfaces with a wide range of heavy vehicles, powering the rig through standardized quick couplings. The first challenge was to design a compact test rig (for standard euro pallets) capable of performing various tests under different conditions with different tire types. The chosen approach was to keep the system as close to a real vehicle as possible, enabling intuitive user interaction with the rig. Initially, a variable geometry multi-link suspension was developed, allowing tire adjustment for different test conditions.
A multi-body model of the test rig was developed in Adams, allowing the evaluation of the dynamic performance and the stresses the rig would endure during testing. This stress data enabled the complete structure verification, a process that optimized the final geometry of each component. This included determining the ideal design and manufacturing process for custom parts and selecting standard catalog components. All necessary technical documentation and drafts were also prepared to initiate production. Simultaneously, various suppliers were contacted to source components that could not be manufactured in the University of Pisa’s workshop, such as hydraulic motors, actuators, and measurement systems. This phase was critical due to the time, attention, and patience required. After completing the production phase, assembly began, during which all components were installed, tested, and modified as necessary, bringing the rig closer to being ready for field testing.