Tesi etd-10242024-174507 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Fulvetti, Gianluca
correlatore Prof. Del Giudice, Federico
correlatore Prof. Del Giudice, Federico
Parole chiave
- center-left
- centrosinistra
- neoliberalism
- neoliberismo
- stato sociale
- welfare state
Data inizio appello
L’argomento di questa tesi riguarda l’analisi del riformismo progettato e in parte attuato in Italia nel periodo 1962-1968, durante i governi di centrosinistra visto attraverso la lente dello Stato sociale, e la sua possibile riproposizione nell’attuale e mutato quadro politico odierno. Quella stagione politica ha rappresentato, dopo il “miracolo economico” del decennio 1953-1964, una tappa fondamentale e necessaria per completare la ricostruzione post-bellica e per gestire il processo di allargamento della base sociale del Paese. L’esperienza di quegli anni è stata caratterizzata, in particolare, dal tentativo, difficile da riscontrare in epoche successive, di assegnare allo Stato un ruolo primario nel governo dell’economia e delle trasformazioni sociali in essere attraverso un processo di pianificazione degli interventi che, a sua volta, è stato preceduto e sostenuto da momenti di accurato studio e di progettazione da parte di tutte le forze politiche coinvolte. Il riformismo solo in parte portato a termine dai governi del centrosinistra è tornato di attualità in un periodo storico nel quale le tutele sociali garantite dallo Stato vengono messe in discussione da un nuovo ordine mondiale che ha i suoi perni nella globalizzazione dell’economia e nel pensiero neoliberale. Questa rivisitazione pone, pertanto, una domanda sostenuta da alcune correnti di opinione e cioè se, nell’attuale contesto internazionale, sia possibile, riproponibile e auspicabile una nuova stagione di riforme sostenuta da un nuovo modello di Stato sociale che sia in grado di correggere le distorsioni e le disuguaglianze determinate dal nuovo ordine economico mondiale e risolvere i problemi rimasti ancora aperti da quella stagione, sia per motivazioni etiche sia per scongiurare conflitti che possano minare la pace sociale.
The topic of this thesis concerns the analysis of the reformism planned and partly implemented in Italy in the period 1962-1968, during the center-left governments seen through the lens of the welfare state, and its possible re-proposal in the current and changed political framework today. That political season represented, after the "economic miracle" of the decade 1953-1964, a fundamental and necessary stage to complete the post-war reconstruction and to manage the process of broadening the social base of the country. The experience of those years was characterized, in particular, by the attempt, difficult to find in later eras, to assign to the State a primary role in the governance of the economy and of the social transformations in progress through a process of planning of interventions that, in turn, was preceded and supported by moments of careful study and planning by all the political forces involved. Reformism, only partially carried out by centre-left governments, has become relevant again in a historical period in which the social protections guaranteed by the State are being called into question by a new world order that has its linchpins in the globalisation of the economy and neoliberal thought. This revisitation therefore poses a question supported by some currents of opinion, namely whether, in the current international context, it is possible, re-proposable and desirable to have a new season of reforms supported by a new model of welfare State that is able to correct the distortions and inequalities determined by the new world economic order and resolve the problems still open from that season, both for ethical reasons and to avoid conflicts that could undermine social peace.
The topic of this thesis concerns the analysis of the reformism planned and partly implemented in Italy in the period 1962-1968, during the center-left governments seen through the lens of the welfare state, and its possible re-proposal in the current and changed political framework today. That political season represented, after the "economic miracle" of the decade 1953-1964, a fundamental and necessary stage to complete the post-war reconstruction and to manage the process of broadening the social base of the country. The experience of those years was characterized, in particular, by the attempt, difficult to find in later eras, to assign to the State a primary role in the governance of the economy and of the social transformations in progress through a process of planning of interventions that, in turn, was preceded and supported by moments of careful study and planning by all the political forces involved. Reformism, only partially carried out by centre-left governments, has become relevant again in a historical period in which the social protections guaranteed by the State are being called into question by a new world order that has its linchpins in the globalisation of the economy and neoliberal thought. This revisitation therefore poses a question supported by some currents of opinion, namely whether, in the current international context, it is possible, re-proposable and desirable to have a new season of reforms supported by a new model of welfare State that is able to correct the distortions and inequalities determined by the new world economic order and resolve the problems still open from that season, both for ethical reasons and to avoid conflicts that could undermine social peace.
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