Tesi etd-10142024-115536 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Olaparib: una promettente strategia terapeutica per il trattamento del tumore al seno associato a mutazioni dei geni BRCA
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Martelli, Alma
Parole chiave
- BRCA genetic mutation
- breast cancer
- mutazione genetica BRCA
- PARP inhibitors
- PARP inibitori
- tumore al seno
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
Il tumore al seno è il tumore più frequentemente diagnosticato nelle donne in tutto il mondo. Si stima che il 5-10% sia correlato a mutazioni genetiche ereditate da un genitore. Indagini più approfondite hanno attribuito la causa ad una mutazione dei geni BRCA1 e BRCA2, in grado di incrementare notevolmente il rischio di contrarre il tumore al seno entro gli 80 anni. Tali pazienti risultano associati ad una sopravvivenza globale peggiore rispetto alla controparte non presentante tale mutazione genetica, in quanto i tumori al seno associati a mutazioni di BRCA vengono solitamente diagnosticati con un grado istologico ed un tasso di proliferazione più elevati, nonché con un alto rischio di recidive. Le strategie terapeutiche ad oggi disponibili, oltre ad approcci non farmacologici come interventi chirurgici e trattamenti radioterapici, si basano soprattutto su farmaci chemioterapici, mentre in tumori positivi ai recettori ormonali la terapia con SERM, SERD e inibitori dell’aromatasi è ancora un efficace approccio. Un importante passo avanti è stato invece compiuto con lo sviluppo e l’approvazione delle terapie biologiche ad azione contro specifici bersagli tumorali. Ulteriori nuove terapie si sono focalizzate sul trattamento di tumori con deficit di riparazione del DNA, derivante ad esempio da mutazioni nei geni BRCA1 o BRCA2. Olaparib, un PARP inibitore, agisce attraverso il concetto di “letalità sintetica” sfruttando il deficit genetico che contraddistingue i portatori della suddetta mutazione. Studi clinici ne hanno dimostrato una buona efficacia, soprattutto nell’aumentare la sopravvivenza complessiva, delineando un profilo apprezzabile anche dal punto di vista di effetti avversi. L’approvazione da parte di AIFA ha fornito ai pazienti adulti con tumore al seno HER2 negativo e mutazione BRCA1 o BRCA2 una nuova e promettente strategia terapeutica, in quanto il più possibile specifica per quel particolare sottotipo tumorale, spesso resistente alle classiche terapie.
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women worldwide. It is estimated that 5-10% are related to genetic mutations inherited from a parent. More in-depth investigations have assigned the cause to a mutation in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which can significantly increase the risk of contracting breast cancer by the age of 80. These patients are associated with worse overall survival than their counterparts without this genetic mutation, as breast cancers associated with BRCA mutations are usually diagnosed with a higher histological grade and proliferation rate, as well as with a high risk of recurrence. Currently available therapeutic strategies, in addition to non-pharmacological approaches such as surgery and radiotherapy treatments, are mainly based on chemotherapy drugs, while in hormone receptor-positive tumors, therapy with SERMs, SERDs and aromatase inhibitors is still an effective approach. An important step forward has been made with the development and approval of biological therapies against specific tumor targets. Further new therapies focused on the treatment of tumors with DNA repair deficiency, resulting for example from mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Olaparib, a PARP inhibitor, acts through the concept of "synthetic lethality" by exploiting the genetic deficit that distinguishes carriers of the aforementioned mutation. Clinical studies have shown good efficacy, especially in increasing overall survival, also outlining an appreciable profile from the point of view of adverse effects. AIFA approval has provided adult patients with HER2 negative breast cancer and BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation with a new and promising therapeutic strategy, as it is as specific as possible for that particular tumor subtype, often resistant to classic therapies.
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women worldwide. It is estimated that 5-10% are related to genetic mutations inherited from a parent. More in-depth investigations have assigned the cause to a mutation in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which can significantly increase the risk of contracting breast cancer by the age of 80. These patients are associated with worse overall survival than their counterparts without this genetic mutation, as breast cancers associated with BRCA mutations are usually diagnosed with a higher histological grade and proliferation rate, as well as with a high risk of recurrence. Currently available therapeutic strategies, in addition to non-pharmacological approaches such as surgery and radiotherapy treatments, are mainly based on chemotherapy drugs, while in hormone receptor-positive tumors, therapy with SERMs, SERDs and aromatase inhibitors is still an effective approach. An important step forward has been made with the development and approval of biological therapies against specific tumor targets. Further new therapies focused on the treatment of tumors with DNA repair deficiency, resulting for example from mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Olaparib, a PARP inhibitor, acts through the concept of "synthetic lethality" by exploiting the genetic deficit that distinguishes carriers of the aforementioned mutation. Clinical studies have shown good efficacy, especially in increasing overall survival, also outlining an appreciable profile from the point of view of adverse effects. AIFA approval has provided adult patients with HER2 negative breast cancer and BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation with a new and promising therapeutic strategy, as it is as specific as possible for that particular tumor subtype, often resistant to classic therapies.
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