Tesi etd-10102024-152535 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Bellé, Nicola
Parole chiave
- futura cartella clinica
- future medical record
- healthcare professionals' preferences
- preferenze professionisti sanitari
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
l'analisi si concentra sulle preferenze dei professionisti sanitari riguardo le caratteristiche ideali della cartella clinica del futuro. questo tema è rilevante perché la cartella clinica gioca un ruolo fondamentale nell'iter diagnostico-terapeutico, permettendo di tracciare la storia clinica del paziente e di monitorare il percorso terapeutico seguito, le prestazioni fornite e le responsabilità degli operatori coinvolti. la qualità di tale documento, quindi, è essenziale: deve essere completa, chiara e accurata per creare valore e supportare proattivamente l'attività dei professionisti. la cartella clinica non si deve limitare a registrare i dati clinici, ma deve diventare uno strumento proattivo. questo approccio innovativo mira a ottimizzare l'assistenza, permettendo ai professionisti sanitari di avere informazioni precise e tempestive per prendere decisioni migliori. con l'adozione di tecnologie digitali e la centralizzazione dei dati sanitari, molte aziende sanitarie pubbliche stanno investendo in sistemi informativi integrati per gestire elettronicamente le informazioni dei pazienti. la cartella clinica del futuro dovrà essere elettronica, interattiva e integrata, consentendo ai professionisti un accesso rapido e preciso alle informazioni cliniche e facilitare la collaborazione tra diversi operatori sanitari. l'implementazione di tecnologie avanzate e la digitalizzazione della cartella clinica influenzeranno profondamente il modo in cui i professionisti sanitari interagiscono tra loro e con i pazienti. questo nuovo modello organizzativo è paziente-centrico e favorisce un'interazione multidisciplinare che coinvolge diverse figure professionali, con l'obiettivo di migliorare la qualità complessiva dell'assistenza. l'indagine proposta ha come scopo l'analisi delle preferenze dei professionisti sanitari in merito alle caratteristiche della cartella clinica elettronica per sviluppare uno strumento che risponda alle loro esigenze all'interno del Servizio Sanitario della Regione Toscana. identificando punti critici e aspetti da valorizzare, l'analisi si propone di formulare proposte concrete per ottimizzare la cartella clinica elettronica, rendendola più funzionale, semplice da utilizzare, accessibile e utile. l'idea è di sviluppare un sistema che, oltre a garantire la sicurezza e la privacy dei dati, sia anche intuitivo e capace di adattarsi alle diverse esigenze operative e cliniche. la metodologia dello studio prevede la raccolta di dati tramite interviste semi-strutturate e un questionario online anonimo a risposta multipla, rivolti a un campione di personale sanitario dell'AOUP. l'analisi si concentrerà su vari aspetti cruciali: la qualità della comunicazione tra il personale sanitario, l'accesso rapido e completo alle risorse disponibili, e la gestione accurata delle informazioni pertinenti ai pazienti. le tecnologie emergenti e l'informatizzazione dei servizi sanitari offrono una prospettiva innovativa per affrontare le sfide della medicina moderna, garantendo un approccio più efficiente e personalizzato. il futuro della cartella clinica elettronica, quindi, non sarà solo un registro digitale, ma uno strumento interattivo e intelligente che supporta attivamente i professionisti sanitari nel loro lavoro quotidiano, promuovendo un modello di cura più integrato e paziente-centrico. la cartella clinica dl futuro, grazie all'integrazione di tecnologie avanzate e all'interoperabilità dei dati, avrà un ruolo fondamentale nella trasformazione dei processi sanitari, migliorando la qualità dell'assistenza e l'efficienza della gestione clinica. lo studio mira a raccogliere le opinioni dei professionisti per sviluppare una cartella clinica che risponda alle reali esigenze operative, rendendo l'assistenza sanitaria più efficace e sicura.
the analysis focuses on healthcare professionals ‘preferences regarding the ideal characteristics of the medical record of the future. this topic is relevant because medical records play a fundamental role in the diagnostic and therapeutic process, allowing the tracing of a patient's clinical history and monitoring of the therapeutic path, services provided, and responsibilities of the professionals involved, therefore, the quality of this document is essential: it must be complete, clear, and accurate to create value and proactively support the professionals ‘activities. the medical record should not just records clinical data but become a proactive toll. this innovative approach aims to optimize care by enabling healthcare professionals to access precise and timely information for better decision-making. with the adoption of digital technologies and the centralization of health data, many public healthcare organizations are investing in integrated information systems for electronic patient data management. the future medical record will be electronic, interactive, and integrated, providing professionals with rapid and precise access to clinical information and facilitating collaboration among various healthcare operators. the implementation of advanced technologies and the digitalization of the medical record will profoundly influence how healthcare professionals interact with each other and with patients. this new organization model is patient-centered and encourages multidisciplinary interaction involving various professional figure, with the aim of improving the overall quality of care. The proposed investigation aims to analyze healthcare professionals ‘preferences regarding the characteristics of the electronic medical record to develop a tool that meets their needs within the Tuscany Regional Health Service. by identifying critical points and aspects to enhance, the analysis proposes concrete strategies to optimize the electronic medical records, making it more functional, easy to use, accessible, and beneficial. the goal is to develop a system that ensures data security and privacy while being intuitive and adaptable to different operational and clinical needs. the study methodology involves data collection through semi-structured interviews and an anonymous online multiple-choice questionnaire targeted at healthcare staff from the University Hospital of Pisa (AOUP). the analysis will focus on crucial aspects: the quality of communication among healthcare personnel, rapid and comprehensive access to available resources, and the accurate management of patient-related information. emerging technologies and the digitalization of health services offer an innovative perspective to address the challenges of modern medicine, ensuring a more efficient and personalized approach. the future electronic medical record, therefore, will not just be a digital log but an interactive and intelligent tool that actively supports healthcare professionals in their daily work, promoting a more integrated, patient-centered model of care. the medical record of the future, thanks to the integration of advanced technologies and data interoperability, will play a fundamental role in transforming healthcare processes, improving the quality of care, and enhancing clinical management efficiency. the study aims to gather professionals ‘opinions to develop a medical record that meets real operational needs, making healthcare more effective and safe.
the analysis focuses on healthcare professionals ‘preferences regarding the ideal characteristics of the medical record of the future. this topic is relevant because medical records play a fundamental role in the diagnostic and therapeutic process, allowing the tracing of a patient's clinical history and monitoring of the therapeutic path, services provided, and responsibilities of the professionals involved, therefore, the quality of this document is essential: it must be complete, clear, and accurate to create value and proactively support the professionals ‘activities. the medical record should not just records clinical data but become a proactive toll. this innovative approach aims to optimize care by enabling healthcare professionals to access precise and timely information for better decision-making. with the adoption of digital technologies and the centralization of health data, many public healthcare organizations are investing in integrated information systems for electronic patient data management. the future medical record will be electronic, interactive, and integrated, providing professionals with rapid and precise access to clinical information and facilitating collaboration among various healthcare operators. the implementation of advanced technologies and the digitalization of the medical record will profoundly influence how healthcare professionals interact with each other and with patients. this new organization model is patient-centered and encourages multidisciplinary interaction involving various professional figure, with the aim of improving the overall quality of care. The proposed investigation aims to analyze healthcare professionals ‘preferences regarding the characteristics of the electronic medical record to develop a tool that meets their needs within the Tuscany Regional Health Service. by identifying critical points and aspects to enhance, the analysis proposes concrete strategies to optimize the electronic medical records, making it more functional, easy to use, accessible, and beneficial. the goal is to develop a system that ensures data security and privacy while being intuitive and adaptable to different operational and clinical needs. the study methodology involves data collection through semi-structured interviews and an anonymous online multiple-choice questionnaire targeted at healthcare staff from the University Hospital of Pisa (AOUP). the analysis will focus on crucial aspects: the quality of communication among healthcare personnel, rapid and comprehensive access to available resources, and the accurate management of patient-related information. emerging technologies and the digitalization of health services offer an innovative perspective to address the challenges of modern medicine, ensuring a more efficient and personalized approach. the future electronic medical record, therefore, will not just be a digital log but an interactive and intelligent tool that actively supports healthcare professionals in their daily work, promoting a more integrated, patient-centered model of care. the medical record of the future, thanks to the integration of advanced technologies and data interoperability, will play a fundamental role in transforming healthcare processes, improving the quality of care, and enhancing clinical management efficiency. the study aims to gather professionals ‘opinions to develop a medical record that meets real operational needs, making healthcare more effective and safe.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |