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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-05142024-181410

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Biodegradable potato starch blends for stable secondary shaping
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Lazzeri, Andrea
relatore Dott. Gigante, Vito
supervisore Prof.ssa Lo Re, Giada
Parole chiave
  • biodegradation
  • DSC
  • film blowing
  • injection molding
  • PBAT
  • SSE
  • starch
  • tensile test
  • TGA
  • TPS
  • TSE
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Approximately 365 million tons of plastic materials are produced annually worldwide. The
combination of their strength, light weight, flexibility, and stability accounts for their
commercial success. However, due to its high carbon footprint and resistance to
biodegradation, traditional plastic production and use are associated with numerous issues. The
necessity to create sustainable materials to replace fossil-based and non-biodegradable plastics
is being brought to light by the growing public awareness of plastic pollution and its effects on
the environment.
Starch offers a viable solution that aligns the trends with the increasing demand for ecofriendly alternatives to conventional plastics, due to its low cost, biodegradability, and
abundantly available renewable sources. Starch has certain disadvantages, though, like its high
crystallinity, limited deformability, and aging. These characteristics restrict its processability
and doesn’t allow to have a stable secondary shaping and stable final material properties
(filmed and injection moulded materials), as a result, it limits wide range of large-scale
applications, such as blown-film packaging applications. Making polymer blends with a high
molecular weight polymer which improves the stability of the secondary shaping processes
seems a good way to overcome TPS's intrinsic limitations.
Studies have been conducted on TPS blends with various flexible biopolymers. The
biodegradable polymer poly(butylene-adipate-terephthalate) (PBAT) has gained the most
attention among all the biopolyesters, due to its properties such as biodegradability,
biocompatibility, flexibility, and relatively simple melt processing, particularly for filmblowing and injection moulding (targeted processings for the secondary shape of the blends).
PBAT allows for slower reorganization of starch chains and slower plasticizer migration,
allowing for the development of a more stable and biodegradable blends.
The first plasticizer we investigated was glycerol since it forms hydrogen bonds with starch
and decrease molecular interactions between starch chains. The polymers become more
flexible and processable as a result of the free volume increase and the molecular bonds
between the chains decreasing, by decreasing the crystallinity.
Thermal, mechanical, and morphological characterizations were used to establish the best
blend compositions after stable secondary shaping by injection moulding and film blowing.
Biodegradation analysis has been carried out on the blown films to validate the end-of-life
performance of obtained materials.
Кеуwоrds: PBAT, glycerol, starch, TPS, twin-screw extruder (TSE), single-screw extruder
(SSE), injection moulding (IM), tensile test, biodegradation, screw speed, plasticization,
scanning-electron microscopy (SEM), Young modulus (YM), differential scanning calorimeter
(DSC), thermal-gravimetric analysis (TGA), film blowing.
The work consists оf іntrоduсtіоn, 3 сhaрtеrs, соnсlusіоn, bіblіоgraрhу and aрреndіx. Thе
work рrеsеntеd оn 56 рagеs, 37 fіgurеs and 21 tablеs. Thе bіblіоgraрhу соntaіns 64 lіtеraturе