Tesi etd-05032022-223837 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Imparare le lingue divertendosi. Proposte didattiche per l'insegnamento della lingua inglese nella scuola primaria.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Gallina, Francesca
Parole chiave
- glottodidattica
- glottodidattica ludica
- lingua inglese
- scuola primaria
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
L’argomento di questa tesi riguarda la glottodidattica ludica e in particolare la sua applicazione all’insegnamento della lingua inglese agli alunni della scuola primaria. Ancora oggi persiste in maniera diffusa tra insegnanti ed educatori l’idea che il gioco sia un’attività di svago fine a se stessa, nonostante numerosi studi abbiano evidenziato come il gioco applicato alla didattica sia uno strumento prezioso e utile a qualsiasi età. Nel primo capitolo viene introdotta la glottodidattica ludica e le sue caratteristiche e fondamenta. Nel capitolo successivo vengono presentate alcune attività ludiche e le loro caratteristiche in relazione al loro uso nella didattica delle lingue. Il terzo capitolo si occupa dell’insegnamento della lingua inglese nella scuola primaria; pertanto vengono presentate specificità e caratteristiche appartenenti agli alunni, nonché i benefici che essi traggono dall'apprendimento della lingua inglese. Il quarto ed ultimo capitolo presenta delle proposte didattiche a carattere ludico per alcune classi (prima, terza e quinta) della scuola primaria.
This thesis presents the method of game based language learning and in particular its application in regards to the teaching of the English language in primary school. To this day, the idea of games being activities done just for 'fun' with no ulterior benefits persists among teachers and educators, despite numerous studies that show how valuable and useful they can be when applied to teaching. Therefore the first chapter introduces the methodology of game based language learning as well as its characteristics and foundations. In the very next chapter several game-based activities and their characteristics in relation to their use in the teaching of languages are presented. The third chapter deals with the teaching of the English language in primary school; therefore the specificities (such as neurological and psychological aspects) and characteristics of the students are presented, as well as the benefits they derive from acquiring the English language at such a young age. The fourth and last chapter offers some educational game-based activities as proposals for the teaching of the English language in classes (first, third and fifth) of the primary school.
This thesis presents the method of game based language learning and in particular its application in regards to the teaching of the English language in primary school. To this day, the idea of games being activities done just for 'fun' with no ulterior benefits persists among teachers and educators, despite numerous studies that show how valuable and useful they can be when applied to teaching. Therefore the first chapter introduces the methodology of game based language learning as well as its characteristics and foundations. In the very next chapter several game-based activities and their characteristics in relation to their use in the teaching of languages are presented. The third chapter deals with the teaching of the English language in primary school; therefore the specificities (such as neurological and psychological aspects) and characteristics of the students are presented, as well as the benefits they derive from acquiring the English language at such a young age. The fourth and last chapter offers some educational game-based activities as proposals for the teaching of the English language in classes (first, third and fifth) of the primary school.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |