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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-03152023-105214

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Performance evaluation of TSN using Omnet++
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Garroppo, Rosario Giuseppe
Parole chiave
  • Frame Replication and Elimination for Reliability
  • gPTP
  • Omnet++
  • Time sensitive networking
  • Time Synchronization
  • Time-aware shaping
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
The necessity for real-time communication in industrial and automotive applications is what led to the creation of Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN). The IEEE 802.1 working group created a set of standards called Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) to enable deterministic communication across Ethernet networks.TSN offers a comprehensive collection of standards and methods for enabling dependable and effective real-time communication across Ethernet networks, and overall, it represents a significant advancement in the development of communication standards for industrial and automotive applications.
TSN has several modules that offer various functionalities, such as:
• Time synchronization: TSN offers precise and exact time synchronization across several networked devices, guaranteeing that every device is in sync with a single source of time.
• Time-sensitive traffic must be given priority over other network traffic, hence TSN contains mechanisms for shaping the traffic.
• Stream reservation: TSN provides the reservation of network resources to guarantee bandwidth and latency for time-sensitive traffic.
• Replication and erasure of frames for reliability: TSN has techniques for ensuring network redundancy and reliability by copying and erasing frames.
• Security: The TSN has defenses in place to keep the network safe from intrusions and attacks.

Given the dynamic nature of information technology and the constantly shifting requirements of the application development industry, testing TSN behavior in many circumstances is expensive, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. This is never a wise course of action. As a result, we have employed a simulator called Omnet++ to effectively and efficiently handle these issues. Researchers and application developers can mimic any form of real scenario using Omnet++, regardless of how simple or complex the scenario is, within the simulation environment. The simulator is simple to use and produces results that are both precise and supported by graphs.
Users can create any scenario they choose to work on in real life with Omnet++. This simulator is practical and useful for saving time, money, and laborious work that would have been challenging without Omnet++. To fully comprehend Omnet++'s operation, it is required to be knowledgeable with all the pertinent details and technical domains that fall under the broad umbrella of TSN. The TSN is always changing, making it difficult and error-prone to manually configure and manage every aspect of it. Omnet++ is utilized for this, and it operates effectively through the employment of a distinct scheduler that rotates on the gears of various scheduling techniques.
I am going to use Omnet++ to evaluate performance of different TSN modules like time sunchronization through gPTP , Time synchronization with time aware-shaper , Frame replication and elimination for reliabilty and with time aware-shaper. I am going to create different network topologies to evalaute these modules performances in Omnet++
To evaluate time synchronization module , I am going to use gPTP in the scenario and test the network.Generic Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is used to synchronize clocks across a network. PTP makes advantage of a master-slave connection where the master clock feeds the slave clocks time data. PTP can attain accuracy of less than one microsecond when utilized with proper equipment. I am also going to use time aware shaper in time synchronization modules so that I can have more accurate results.
For Frame Replication and Elimination for reliabilty we utilize an automatic stream redundancy configurator that accepts the possible pathways for each redundant stream as a parameter. The automatic configurator configures the parameters of each network node's components for stream identification, stream merging, stream splitting, string encoding, and stream decoding. Later on I will use this module with the time aware shaper.