Tesi etd-03052023-122201 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Implementazione di un indice di rischio costiero utilizzando i dati della vegetazione per supportare azioni di gestione negli ecosistemi dunali del Mediterraneo
Corso di studi
relatore Ciccarelli, Daniela
correlatore Bertoni, Duccio
correlatore Bertoni, Duccio
Parole chiave
- coastal risk
- conservazione della natura
- dunes habitat
- habitat dunali
- nature conservation
- rischio costiero
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il crescente impatto antropico sulle coste e le minacce associate all'innalzamento del livello del mare e all’erosione costiera rendono urgente lo sviluppo di diversi approcci metodologici per valutare il rischio costiero. Le valutazioni del rischio forniscono informazioni sulla pressione a cui è esposta la costa, sulla sua capacità di adattamento e sono un importante strumento per facilitarne la gestione. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di valutare lo stato di rischio a cui sono esposti due tratti del litorale sabbioso toscano pregevoli dal punto di vista naturalistico, come il Parco Regionale di Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli e il Parco Regionale della Maremma. Le aree di studio sono state suddivise in celle contigue di 1000 m x 500 m per un tratto di costa lungo 35 km. Per ciascuna cella è stato calcolato un indice di rischio considerando le variabili geomorfologiche, socioeconomiche, culturali ed ecologiche seguendo il metodo proposto da Rangel-Buitrago (2020) e adattandolo alla costa mediterranea. Inoltre, sono stati eseguiti 35 transetti (uno per ogni cella) perpendicolari alla linea di riva posizionati in modo casuale all’interno dell’area di studio con lo scopo di valutare la presenza e l’abbondanza degli habitat dunali in conformità con la classificazione EUNIS (European Nature Information System). L’aggiunta all’interno di questo indice dei dati sulla vegetazione restituisce un’immagine più completa dello stato di conservazione del litorale toscano ed è uno strumento utile per suggerire azioni di gestione più mirate ed efficaci.
The increasing anthropogenic impact on coasts and the associated threats with sea level rise and coastal erosion make it urgent to develop different methodological approaches to assess coastal risk. Risk assessments provide information about the pressure to which the coasts are exposed, their adaptive capacity, and is an important tool to facilitate coasts management. The aim of this study was to assess the risk state to which two valuable stretches of the Tuscan sandy coastline (central Italy) are exposed: the Migliarino - San Rossore - Massaciuccoli and the Maremma Regional Parks. The total coastline of the two study areas is about 35 km long and was divided into contiguous units of 1000 × 500 m. Following the method proposed by Rangel-Buitrago & Anfuso in 2020, the risk index was calculated for each unit considering geomorphological, socioeconomic, cultural and ecological variables. In addition, 35 transects (8-242 m long) perpendicular to the shoreline were randomly placed within each unit, starting from the annual vegetation of marine drift lines to the fixed dunes dominated by Juniperus sp. pl. Along each transect, we registered the presence of dune habitats identified in accordance with the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) classification in contiguous plots of 2 × 2m. Our results suggest that the implementation of this index with vegetation data returns a more complete picture of the conservation status of the Tuscan coastline and that it can be a useful tool which can help to focus more targeted and effective management actions.
The increasing anthropogenic impact on coasts and the associated threats with sea level rise and coastal erosion make it urgent to develop different methodological approaches to assess coastal risk. Risk assessments provide information about the pressure to which the coasts are exposed, their adaptive capacity, and is an important tool to facilitate coasts management. The aim of this study was to assess the risk state to which two valuable stretches of the Tuscan sandy coastline (central Italy) are exposed: the Migliarino - San Rossore - Massaciuccoli and the Maremma Regional Parks. The total coastline of the two study areas is about 35 km long and was divided into contiguous units of 1000 × 500 m. Following the method proposed by Rangel-Buitrago & Anfuso in 2020, the risk index was calculated for each unit considering geomorphological, socioeconomic, cultural and ecological variables. In addition, 35 transects (8-242 m long) perpendicular to the shoreline were randomly placed within each unit, starting from the annual vegetation of marine drift lines to the fixed dunes dominated by Juniperus sp. pl. Along each transect, we registered the presence of dune habitats identified in accordance with the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) classification in contiguous plots of 2 × 2m. Our results suggest that the implementation of this index with vegetation data returns a more complete picture of the conservation status of the Tuscan coastline and that it can be a useful tool which can help to focus more targeted and effective management actions.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |