Tesi etd-01142025-103431 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Valutazione degli effetti antiossidanti e antinfiammatori di una dieta a base di Chlorella vulgaris in un modello murino (mus musculus) in cui viene indotta BPCO
Corso di studi
relatore Dott.ssa Pozzo, Luisa
correlatore Dott. Vornoli, Andrea
correlatore Dott. Vornoli, Andrea
Parole chiave
- antiossidante
- antioxidant
- bronchoalveolar fluid
- Chlorella vulgaris
- infiammazione
- inflammation
- liquido bronco alveolare (BAL)
- lungs
- polmoni
Data inizio appello
Chlorella vulgaris è una microalga unicellulare verde, dalle note proprietà nutrizionali e terapeutiche. È caratterizzata da un importante contenuto in macronutrienti (proteine e fibre) e micronutrienti (vitamine idro e liposolubili, sali minerali) e sostanze ad attività antiossidante (clorofille e carotenoidi) che la rendono un valido alimento e supplemento nutrizionale. Nel presente studio sono stati valutati i potenziali effetti preventivi della microalga nei confronti della broncopneumopatia cronico ostruttiva (BPCO), una malattia polmonare cronico-degenerativa. Per lo svolgimento dello studio in vivo, 40 topi maschi della specie Mus musculus sono stati divisi in 4 gruppi omogenei di cui uno di controllo (CTR), alimentato con dieta standard e tre ai quali è stata indotta BPCO per mezzo di somministrazione intranasale di lipopolisaccaride ed elastasi pancreatica porcina, ed alimentati rispettivamente con dieta standard (BPCO), dieta integrata con l’1% di C.vulgaris (BPCO+1%C.vulgaris) e dieta integrata con l’8% di C.vulgaris (BPCO+8%C.vulgaris). Attraverso l’analisi del liquido bronco alveolare (BAL) è stato valutato il contenuto di cellule infiammatorie e altri parametri relativi al processo flogistico per determinare il livello di infiammazione tissutale dei diversi gruppi di animali. I risultati hanno mostrato una riduzione dell’infiammazione nei topi alimentati con la dieta integrata con C.vulgaris, più marcata quando all’1%, rispetto al gruppo BPCO. Dall’analisi istologica è stato possibile valutare e quantificare l’entità del danno a carico dei tessuti polmonari. L’integrazione con le due diverse concentrazioni di C.vulgaris ha determinato miglioramenti dal punto di vista morfologico nella struttura alveolare, rispetto al gruppo BPCO, dove l’allargamento degli alveoli e la presenza di infiltrato infiammatorio erano più marcati. Dai risultati ottenuti si può affermare come il potenziale antiossidante ed antinfiammatorio della microalga abbiano contribuito a prevenire l’instaurarsi della malattia.
Chlorella vulgaris is a green unicellular microalga, known for its nutritional and therapeutic properties. It is characterized by a significant content of macronutrients (proteins and fiber) and micronutrients (water- and fat-soluble vitamins, minerals) as well as substances with antioxidant activity (chlorophylls and carotenoids), making it a valuable food and nutritional supplement. This study aimed to evaluate the potential preventive effects of the microalga against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a chronic-degenerative lung disease. For the in vivo study, 40 male Mus musculus mice were divided into 4 homogeneous groups: one control group (CTR), fed a standard diet, and three to which COPD was induced by intranasal administration of lipopolysaccharide and porcine pancreatic elastase, and fed with either a standard diet (COPD), a diet supplemented with 1% C. vulgaris (COPD+1%C. vulgaris), or a diet supplemented with 8% C. vulgaris (COPD+8%C. vulgaris). Through the analysis of bronchoalveolar fluid (BAL), the content of inflammatory cells and other parameters relating to the phlogistic process were evaluated to determine the level of tissue inflammation in the different groups of animals. The results showed a reduction in inflammation in the mice fed the diet supplemented with C. vulgaris, more marked when supplemented at 1%, compared to the COPD group. Histological analysis allowed the evaluation and quantification of the extent of tissue damage in the lungs. Supplementation with the two different concentrations of C. vulgaris resulted in morphological improvements in alveolar structure compared to the COPD group, where alveolar enlargement and the presence of inflammatory infiltrates were more pronounced. Based on results, it can be concluded that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential of the microalga contributed to the prevention of the disease development
Chlorella vulgaris is a green unicellular microalga, known for its nutritional and therapeutic properties. It is characterized by a significant content of macronutrients (proteins and fiber) and micronutrients (water- and fat-soluble vitamins, minerals) as well as substances with antioxidant activity (chlorophylls and carotenoids), making it a valuable food and nutritional supplement. This study aimed to evaluate the potential preventive effects of the microalga against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a chronic-degenerative lung disease. For the in vivo study, 40 male Mus musculus mice were divided into 4 homogeneous groups: one control group (CTR), fed a standard diet, and three to which COPD was induced by intranasal administration of lipopolysaccharide and porcine pancreatic elastase, and fed with either a standard diet (COPD), a diet supplemented with 1% C. vulgaris (COPD+1%C. vulgaris), or a diet supplemented with 8% C. vulgaris (COPD+8%C. vulgaris). Through the analysis of bronchoalveolar fluid (BAL), the content of inflammatory cells and other parameters relating to the phlogistic process were evaluated to determine the level of tissue inflammation in the different groups of animals. The results showed a reduction in inflammation in the mice fed the diet supplemented with C. vulgaris, more marked when supplemented at 1%, compared to the COPD group. Histological analysis allowed the evaluation and quantification of the extent of tissue damage in the lungs. Supplementation with the two different concentrations of C. vulgaris resulted in morphological improvements in alveolar structure compared to the COPD group, where alveolar enlargement and the presence of inflammatory infiltrates were more pronounced. Based on results, it can be concluded that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential of the microalga contributed to the prevention of the disease development
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