Tesi etd-01082025-151241 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Generazione di immagini sintetiche 3D MRI e PET utilizzando tecniche di AI generativa (Generative Adversial Network) per supportare la diagnosi automatica del morbo di Alzheimer
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Vozzi, Giovanni
relatore Prof.ssa Santarelli, Maria Filomena
tutor Ing. Bargagna, Filippo
relatore Prof.ssa Santarelli, Maria Filomena
tutor Ing. Bargagna, Filippo
Parole chiave
- 3D synthetic medical image generation
- Alzheimer’s disease
- deep learning (DL)
- generative adversarial networks (GAN)
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- positron emission tomography (PET)
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
L'addestramento di sistemi di intelligenza artificiale (IA) per la diagnosi di malattie da immagini mediche richiede grandi set di dati annotati, operazione non sempre ottenibile, specie per patologie come l'Alzheimer e alcune tecniche di imaging quali la risonanza magnetica (MRI) e la tomografia a emissione di positroni (PET); la scarsità e lo sbilanciamento dei dataset disponibili rappresentano una sfida significativa. Una soluzione innovativa è l'uso di Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) per creare immagini sintetiche realistiche, migliorando l'addestramento dei modelli di classificazione. Questo studio ha esplorato l'impiego di una rete generativa condizionata (c-GAN) denominata ADESyn per generare immagini 3D MRI e PET di pazienti con diverso grado di Alzheimer e di un modello che combina GAN e Variational AutoEncoder, α-WGAN, per generare volumi sintetici di soggetti di controllo. Le immagini MRI sintetiche sono state valutate tramite il software cat12, che ha evidenziato cambiamenti coerenti con la progressione dell'Alzheimer, come la riduzione della materia grigia. Le immagini PET prodotte da ADESyn sono state confrontate con immagini reali di pazienti di controllo attraverso il calcolo dell'indice di Dice e validate utilizzando un modello di classificazione in grado di distinguere tra soggetti cognitivamente normali, con deterioramento cognitivo lieve e con Alzheimer conclamato. I risultati MRI e PET, sono stati validati anche da esperti. I volumi PET generati da α-WGAN stati confrontati con volumi reali di pazienti sani e con volumi reali di pazienti con deterioramento cognitivo avanzato ed è stata dimostrata la similarità dei volumi sintetici al primo gruppo. I risultati ottenuti confermano l'efficacia dei dati sintetici per migliorare la diagnostica assistita da IA.
Training artificial intelligence (AI) systems to diagnose diseases from medical images requires large annotated datasets, which is not always achievable, especially for diseases such as Alzheimer's and some imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET); the scarcity and imbalance of available datasets represent a significant challenge. One innovative solution is the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to create realistic synthetic images, improving the training of classification models. This study explored the use of a conditional generative adversial network (c-GAN) named ADESyn to generate 3D MRI and PET images of patients with different degrees of Alzheimer's disease and a model combining GAN and Variational AutoEncoder, named α-WGAN, to generate synthetic volumes of control subjects. The synthetic MRI images were evaluated using cat12 software, which highlighted changes consistent with the progression of Alzheimer's disease, such as gray matter reduction. The PET images produced by ADESyn were compared with real images of control patients through the calculation of the Dice index and validated using a classification model capable of distinguishing between cognitively normal subjects, those with mild cognitive impairment and those with full-blown Alzheimer's disease. The MRI and PET results were also validated by experts. The PET volumes generated by α-WGAN were compared with real volumes of healthy patients and with real volumes of patients with advanced cognitive impairment and the similarity of the synthetic volumes to the first group was demonstrated. The results obtained confirm the effectiveness of synthetic data to improve AI-assisted diagnostics.
Training artificial intelligence (AI) systems to diagnose diseases from medical images requires large annotated datasets, which is not always achievable, especially for diseases such as Alzheimer's and some imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET); the scarcity and imbalance of available datasets represent a significant challenge. One innovative solution is the use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to create realistic synthetic images, improving the training of classification models. This study explored the use of a conditional generative adversial network (c-GAN) named ADESyn to generate 3D MRI and PET images of patients with different degrees of Alzheimer's disease and a model combining GAN and Variational AutoEncoder, named α-WGAN, to generate synthetic volumes of control subjects. The synthetic MRI images were evaluated using cat12 software, which highlighted changes consistent with the progression of Alzheimer's disease, such as gray matter reduction. The PET images produced by ADESyn were compared with real images of control patients through the calculation of the Dice index and validated using a classification model capable of distinguishing between cognitively normal subjects, those with mild cognitive impairment and those with full-blown Alzheimer's disease. The MRI and PET results were also validated by experts. The PET volumes generated by α-WGAN were compared with real volumes of healthy patients and with real volumes of patients with advanced cognitive impairment and the similarity of the synthetic volumes to the first group was demonstrated. The results obtained confirm the effectiveness of synthetic data to improve AI-assisted diagnostics.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |