Tesi etd-01042025-123203 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di specializzazione (4 anni)
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Fogli, Stefano
Parole chiave
- Antibody–drug conjugates
- cancer
- cancro
- clinical trial; CTIS
- coniugati anticorpo-farmaco
- sperimentazione clinica; CTIS
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
La sperimentazione farmacologica interventistica rappresenta la parte più importante della ricerca clinica. Il Regolamento 536/2014 ha cambiato notevolmente lo scenario di questo tipo di sperimentazione creando un unico portale europeo per la sottomissione degli studi e cercando di rendere la sperimentazione il più uniforme possibile a livello europeo. L’ Italia ha emanato i decreti attuativi di questo regolamento a fine gennaio dell’anno 2023. Le aree terapeutiche di interesse sono molteplici e l’oncologia rappresenta uno degli ambiti di ricerca più attivi con farmaci innovativi e progressi terapeutici molto importanti. Tra i tanti farmaci disponibili adesso abbiamo anche gli Antibody drug conjugate (ADC) tra i quali ritroviamo il telisotuzumab vedotin, un anticorpo bivalente ricombinante umano, contro il recettore del fattore di crescita degli epatociti (MET) che lega c-Met con elevata affinità e ne inibisce la segnalazione. Il telisotuzumab vedotin viene utilizzato principalmente nel trattamento del tumore del polmone non a piccole cellule. Il telisotuzumab adizutecan è stato visto essere efficace non solo nel tumore del polmone ma sembra essere molto promettente anche nel trattamento del tumore del colon: gli studi adesso in corso sono in fase precoce per cui dovremo attendere ancora un po' per sapere se e promesse saranno mantenute. Questo farmaco è solo uno e rappresenta solo un esempio di quanto la ricerca clinica sia importante e che le sue ricadute non siano circoscritte al solo ambito della ricerca ma si estendano anche a livello etico sociale ed economico. Se i risultati attesi saranno confermati il telosotuzumab adizutecan rappresenterà una nuova alternativa terapeutica per i pazienti affetti da tumore del colon.
Interventional pharmacological trial represents the most important part of clinical research. Regulation 536/2014 has significantly changed the scenario of this type of trial by creating a single European portal for the submission of studies and trying to make trials as uniform as possible in Europe. Italy issued the implementing decrees of this regulation at the end of January 2023. The therapeutic areas of interest for pahrmacological clinical trials are many and oncology represents one of the most active research areas with innovative drugs and very important therapeutic advances. Among the many drugs available now we also have Antibody drug conjugates (ADC) among which we find telisotuzumab vedotin, a human recombinant bivalent antibody, against the hepatocyte growth factor receptor (MET) that binds c-Met with high affinity and inhibits its signaling. Telisotuzumab vedotin is mainly used in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Telisotuzumab adizutecan has been seen to be effective not only in lung cancer but also seems to be very promising in the treatment of colon cancer: the studies currently underway are in the early stages so we will have to wait a little longer to know if the promises will be kept. This drug is only one and represents only one example of how important clinical research is and that its implications are not limited to the research area alone but also extend to an ethical, social and economic level. If the expected results are confirmed, telisotuzumab adizutecan will represent a new therapeutic alternative for patients affected by colorectal cancer.
Interventional pharmacological trial represents the most important part of clinical research. Regulation 536/2014 has significantly changed the scenario of this type of trial by creating a single European portal for the submission of studies and trying to make trials as uniform as possible in Europe. Italy issued the implementing decrees of this regulation at the end of January 2023. The therapeutic areas of interest for pahrmacological clinical trials are many and oncology represents one of the most active research areas with innovative drugs and very important therapeutic advances. Among the many drugs available now we also have Antibody drug conjugates (ADC) among which we find telisotuzumab vedotin, a human recombinant bivalent antibody, against the hepatocyte growth factor receptor (MET) that binds c-Met with high affinity and inhibits its signaling. Telisotuzumab vedotin is mainly used in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Telisotuzumab adizutecan has been seen to be effective not only in lung cancer but also seems to be very promising in the treatment of colon cancer: the studies currently underway are in the early stages so we will have to wait a little longer to know if the promises will be kept. This drug is only one and represents only one example of how important clinical research is and that its implications are not limited to the research area alone but also extend to an ethical, social and economic level. If the expected results are confirmed, telisotuzumab adizutecan will represent a new therapeutic alternative for patients affected by colorectal cancer.
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Tesi non consultabile. |