Tesi etd-01012025-195608 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
L'Aristofane polacco. Aspetti delle traduzioni di Ecclesiazuse e Pluto per la scena teatrale in Polonia.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Grilli, Alessandro
correlatore Prof.ssa Tomassucci, Giovanna
correlatore Prof.ssa Tomassucci, Giovanna
Parole chiave
- Aristofane
- Aristophanes
- Ecclesiazuse
- Ekklesiazousai
- messinscena
- Pluto
- Plutus
- Poland
- Polonia
- reception
- ricezione
- staging
- traduzione
- translation
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
La tesi indaga il rapporto tra le traduzioni polacche del "Pluto" e delle "Ecclesiazuse" di Aristofane e alcune messinscene delle due commedie nel XX secolo in Polonia. Dopo una ricostruzione generale della presenza e della ricezione del commediografo ateniese in Polonia, con un focus specifico sui secoli XIX-XX, l'elaborato esamina preliminarmente il caso di "Lisistrata", la commedia più spesso tradotta e inscenata in Polonia, per poi analizzare nel dettaglio alcune messinscene delle ultime due commedie aristofanee e il loro rapporto con le traduzioni, pubblicate o meno; anche le traduzioni stesse vengono messe a confronto con l'originale greco, per evidenziare e, dove possibile, motivare scelte traduttive particolari, poi risultate in varie scelte registiche - modifiche testuali, tagli, riletture, riscritture -, anche attraverso l'analisi di materiali d'archivio e fonti inedite (appunti, copioni, bozze, dattiloscritti).
The present work analyses the relationship between the Polish translations of Aristophanes' "Plutus" and "Ekklesiazousai" and a few stagings of the two comedies in the XXth century Poland. After an overall reconstruction of the Athenian playwright's presence and reception in Poland, with a specific focus on the XIXth and XXth centuries, the thesis takes a closer look at the case of "Lysistrate", the comedy most often translated and staged in Poland, to after analyse in detail some relevant stagings of the last two comedies of Aristophanes and their relationship with their Polish translations, both published and unpublished; the translations themselves are also compared to the original Greek texts, to underline and explain, when possible, a range of translatory choices later resulted in directorial choices on stage - textual modifications, cuts, alternative readings and re-writings -, especially through the direct analysis of archive materials and unpublished sources (notes, scripts, drafts, typescripts...).
The present work analyses the relationship between the Polish translations of Aristophanes' "Plutus" and "Ekklesiazousai" and a few stagings of the two comedies in the XXth century Poland. After an overall reconstruction of the Athenian playwright's presence and reception in Poland, with a specific focus on the XIXth and XXth centuries, the thesis takes a closer look at the case of "Lysistrate", the comedy most often translated and staged in Poland, to after analyse in detail some relevant stagings of the last two comedies of Aristophanes and their relationship with their Polish translations, both published and unpublished; the translations themselves are also compared to the original Greek texts, to underline and explain, when possible, a range of translatory choices later resulted in directorial choices on stage - textual modifications, cuts, alternative readings and re-writings -, especially through the direct analysis of archive materials and unpublished sources (notes, scripts, drafts, typescripts...).
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La tesi non è consultabile. |