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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-09062007-104029

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Popescu, Razvan Andrei
Indirizzo email
Aggregation and Adaptation of Web Services
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Corso di studi
Relatore Prof. Brogi, Antonio
Parole chiave
  • adaptation
  • BPEL
  • business processes
  • discovery
  • ontologies
  • OWL
  • service aggregation (composition)
  • service contracts
  • Web services
  • workflows
  • YAWL
Data inizio appello
Service-oriented computing highly supports the development of future business applications through the use of (Web) services. Two main challenges for Web services are the aggregation of services into new (complex) business applications, and the adaptation of services presenting various types of interaction mismatches.
The ultimate objective of this thesis is to define a methodology for the semi-automated aggregation and adaptation of Web services capable of suitably overcoming semantic and behaviour mismatches in view of business process integration within and across organisational boundaries.
We tackle the aggregation and adaptation of services described by service contracts, which consist of signature (WSDL), ontology information (OWL), and behaviour specification (YAWL). We first describe an aggregation technique that automatically generates contracts of composite services satisfying (behavioural) client requests from a registry of service contracts. Further on, we present a behaviour-aware adaptation technique that supports the customisation of services to fulfil client requests. The adaptation technique can be used to adapt the behaviour of services to satisfy both functional and behavioural requests.
In order to support the generation of service contracts from real-world service descriptions, we also introduce a pattern-based compositional translator for the automated generation of YAWL workflows from BPEL business processes. In this way, we pave the way for the formal analysis, aggregation, and adaptation of BPEL processes.