Thesis etd-07082020-143135 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Thesis title
Aporie della confessione. Aspetti dell'Io lirico in Sylvia Plath, Amelia Rosselli e Alejandra Pizarnik
Academic discipline
Course of study
tutor Prof. Brugnolo, Stefano
correlatore Prof.ssa Ghezzani, Alessandra
correlatore Prof.ssa Ghezzani, Alessandra
- gender studies
- mimesis
- poesia femminile
- posture finzionali
- self-fashioning
- teoria della lirica
Graduation session start date
Release date
La ricerca propone una riflessione teorico-critica sulle dissonanze tra mimesi autobiografica e trasfigurazione finzionale in ambito lirico, esaminando in particolare la poesia femminile del secondo Novecento e lo statuto dell'Io lirico. L'apparato teorico e l'analisi comparativa di una selezione di tre case-study mirano a dimostrare costanti e varianti simboliche e retoriche che caratterizzano la costruzione dell'autorialità e della soggettività lirica al femminile. L'ipotesi dello studio muove dalla considerazione che il soggetto lirico femminile moderno è generalmente accolto dal lettore come un'entità confessionale e mimetico-referenziale, malgrado la soggettività poetica sia in effetti il frutto di un intento di manipolazione e self-fashioning. Tale considerazione stereotipica motiva da un lato una risposta empatica nel fruitore, dall'altro un'ermeneutica eccessivamente concentrata a rinvenire i segnali di biografismo autoriale. A una preliminare ricognizione storico-critica delle principali teorie femministe che hanno orientato le precedenti interpretazioni della scrittura al femminile (cap. 1) segue un apparato teorico più articolato (capp. 2-3) che, seppur inserito nella cornice generale della problematica definizione di mimesis e referenzialità nel panorama delle scritture del Sé, focalizza elementi chiave della forma lirica, quali la componente soggettiva, lo statuto fantasmatico dell'Io, la dimensione aurale-performativa, l'apporto semiotico del pathos e la ricezione empatica della lirica confessionale. La speculazione teorica sfocia in una sezione analitica (capp. 4-6) volta a interrogare criticamente i paradigmi consolidati nella teoria della lirica: dimostrando l'ipotesi della postura finzionale nella poesia femminile del secondo Novecento, l'analisi mira principalmente a confutare la visione imperante della lirica come espressione privilegiata e autentica dell'erlebnis autoriale. L'analisi testuale e intertestuale delle poetiche di Sylvia Plath, Amelia Rosselli e Alejandra Pizarnik, esaminate alla luce delle singole bibliografie critiche e degli apparati epitestuali, esplora l'impeto di autorappresentazione a partire dai motivi dell'identità, dello sdoppiamento negli alter ego e della performatività, insieme alle formulazioni retoriche della prosopopea e delle costruzioni autofittive che sfumano i confini tra resoconto autobiografico e finzionale dell'esperienza autoriale. I commenti conclusivi sono orientati verso una possibile risoluzione dell'"aporia confessionale", proponendo il concetto performativo di "quarta persona singolare", mutuato da Gilles Deleuze, per riunire le molteplici incarnazioni della soggettività lirica femminile e sganciare così il genere da un'ermeneutica tradizionalmente interessata ad un univoco rapporto mimetico-referenziale con l'autore empirico.
The research proposes a critical investigation in modern lyric poetry, delving into the dissonance between autobiographical mimesis and the fictional transfiguration of the self in 20th-century female poetry. The theoretical framework and the comparative analysis of a selection of three case-studies aim at showing symbolic and rhetorical continuities and variations that characterize the construction of the female authorship, as well as of the female lyrical subject. The hypothesis of the study originates from considering that the modern female lyrical self is generally understood as a confessional and referential entity, although the poetic subject is in fact the product of a self-fashioning purpose. This biased consideration motivates an empathic response in the reader and an overall critical interpretation that has long attempted to trace biographical features referring to the author. A preliminary exploration of the main feminist theories that have guided the interpretation of female writings (Ch. 1) is followed by a detailed theoretical framework (Chs. 2-3) that, besides discussing general issues of mimesis and referentiality in life-writing, is resolved to accentuate key elements in the lyric medium, such as: the subjective features, the phantasmatic status of the lyrical self, the aural-performative dimension, the semiotic interpretation of pathos, and the empathic reception of confessional poetry. The theoretical chapters result in an analytical section (Chs. 4-6) that is devoted to question established paradigms in the theory of the lyric: by corroborating the hypothesis of the fictional posture in 20th-century female poetry, the analysis aims at disputing the view of the lyric as the privileged and authentic expression of the author's erlebnis. Textual and intertextual analyses of poems by Sylvia Plath, Amelia Rosselli, and Alejandra Pizarnik - which are examined in close comparison with their critical bibliography and epitexts - explore the poets' self-representative strategies, the theme of identity and the performative double, as well as their rhetorical choices, such as prosopopeia and auto-fictional constructions that blur the boundary between autobiographical and fictional accounts of the poets' experiences. Concluding remarks aim at a possible solution of the "confessional aporia", by proposing the performative concept of "the fourth person singular", originally conceived by Gilles Deleuze, in order to encompass the multifaceted personifications of the female lyric subject and to emancipate the genre from its traditional interpretation, which was overly focused on a unidirectional mimetic relationship with the empirical author.
The research proposes a critical investigation in modern lyric poetry, delving into the dissonance between autobiographical mimesis and the fictional transfiguration of the self in 20th-century female poetry. The theoretical framework and the comparative analysis of a selection of three case-studies aim at showing symbolic and rhetorical continuities and variations that characterize the construction of the female authorship, as well as of the female lyrical subject. The hypothesis of the study originates from considering that the modern female lyrical self is generally understood as a confessional and referential entity, although the poetic subject is in fact the product of a self-fashioning purpose. This biased consideration motivates an empathic response in the reader and an overall critical interpretation that has long attempted to trace biographical features referring to the author. A preliminary exploration of the main feminist theories that have guided the interpretation of female writings (Ch. 1) is followed by a detailed theoretical framework (Chs. 2-3) that, besides discussing general issues of mimesis and referentiality in life-writing, is resolved to accentuate key elements in the lyric medium, such as: the subjective features, the phantasmatic status of the lyrical self, the aural-performative dimension, the semiotic interpretation of pathos, and the empathic reception of confessional poetry. The theoretical chapters result in an analytical section (Chs. 4-6) that is devoted to question established paradigms in the theory of the lyric: by corroborating the hypothesis of the fictional posture in 20th-century female poetry, the analysis aims at disputing the view of the lyric as the privileged and authentic expression of the author's erlebnis. Textual and intertextual analyses of poems by Sylvia Plath, Amelia Rosselli, and Alejandra Pizarnik - which are examined in close comparison with their critical bibliography and epitexts - explore the poets' self-representative strategies, the theme of identity and the performative double, as well as their rhetorical choices, such as prosopopeia and auto-fictional constructions that blur the boundary between autobiographical and fictional accounts of the poets' experiences. Concluding remarks aim at a possible solution of the "confessional aporia", by proposing the performative concept of "the fourth person singular", originally conceived by Gilles Deleuze, in order to encompass the multifaceted personifications of the female lyric subject and to emancipate the genre from its traditional interpretation, which was overly focused on a unidirectional mimetic relationship with the empirical author.
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