Thesis etd-06122017-153831 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Thesis title
Malinconia e nostalgia nell’opera di Jhumpa Lahiri. Vulnerabilità e resilienza
Academic discipline
Course of study
tutor Prof.ssa Rizzardi, Biancamaria
correlatore Dott. Ciompi, Fausto
correlatore Dott. Ciompi, Fausto
- diaspora indiana
- ecocritica
- Jhumpa Lahiri
- malinconia
- nostalgia
- trauma studies
- vulnerabilità
Graduation session start date
La tesi esplora la produzione narrativa in lingua inglese di Jhumpa Lahiri, portando alla luce i nuclei tematici della malinconia e della nostalgia in relazione alla teoria postcoloniale, agli studi sul trauma e all’ecocritica. Partendo dalla distinzione tracciata da Freud tra lutto e malinconia, la tesi coinvolge una riflessione sul potenziale trasformativo della malinconia e della nostalgia. Attraverso un dialogo teorico che mette insieme postcolonialismo, soprattutto i South Asian studies, gli studi sul trauma, la teoria ecocritica e la narrativa, si vuole evidenziare la natura paradossale del rapporto tra la malinconia, la nostalgia e la scrittura di Jhumpa Lahiri: la narrazione è uno strumento essenziale di testimonianza degli eventi traumatici che forgiano le vite degli immigrati, ma può anche essere usata come mezzo con cui elaborare la vulnerabilità, sviluppando una risposta eticamente valida. L’interesse è particolarmente centrato sulle soluzioni stilistiche attraverso cui Lahiri intreccia realismo psicologico, soluzioni postmoderne e traiettorie off-modern che complicano le prime configurazioni dei disturbi mentali oggetto di indagine. L’analisi dei romanzi e dei racconti di Lahiri mette in discussione i concetti tradizionali di malinconia e nostalgia intese come patologie individuali e attitudini creative solipsistiche. Nella sua prosa conflitti razziali, generazionali, e di genere si mescolano e sono rappresentati sia come condizioni di sofferenza che come situazioni metamorfiche. Mentre alcuni immigrati sud asiatici sono raffigurati come prigionieri della malinconia razziale o di una nostalgia della restaurazione, e tendono a restare vincolati alle proprie tradizioni ancestrali per quanto riguarda il cibo e le abitudini di vita, altri immigrati, soprattutto le seconde generazioni, esperiscono una simile condizione dolorosa che però genera resilienza e riflessione. Dal mio punto di vista, la memoria, la performatività di genere e la tutale dell’ambiente favoriscono la realizzazione di un certo stato ontologico. In tal senso, si fa riferimento ad una serie di teorie critiche (Ahmed, Ashcroft, Boym, Vermeulen) che mettono in risalto come l’identità sia costruita nella condivisione delle storie, nel rispetto dell’ambiente e nel desiderio di orientarsi verso direzioni transnazionali. La tesi, in conclusione, rivela come vulnerabilità e resilienza informino il sentimento malinconico e nostalgico e suggerisce, infine, che dando voce alla fragilità umana e naturale la scrittura sia in grado di aprirsi verso possibilità produttive.
The dissertation explores Jhumpa Lahiri’s narrative in English and it brings to the fore the themes of melancholia and nostalgia in relation to postcolonial theory, trauma studies and ecocriticism. It takes Freudian distinction between mourning and melancholia as its starting premise to argue for the transformative potential of melancholia and nostalgia. I construct a theoretical dialogue by combining postcolonialism, mainly South Asian studies, with trauma studies, environmental issues and literary fiction. By drawing on these debates I illuminate the paradoxical relationship between melancholia, nostalgia and Jhumpa Lahiri’s narrative: story-telling is an essential tool for bearing witness to the traumatic events that shape the migrants’ lives, but it can also be used for working through vulnerability and for developing an ethical response. I am particularly interested in the manner in which Lahiri’s style weaves together psychological realism, postmodern solutions and off-modern trajectories that complicate early understandings of mental wounds. My analysis of Lahiri’s novels and short stories interrogates the traditional concepts of melancholia and nostalgia as individual pathologies and creative solipsistic attitudes. In Lahiri’s prose, racial, gender and generational conflicts are interwoven and portrayed as both conditions of losses and metamorphic situations. Whereas some Asian American immigrants are depicted as victims to racial melancholia or restorative nostalgia and tend to cling to the their ancestral traditions in food and routines, I contend that other immigrants, mainly second generations, endure a similarly painful condition that ultimately elicits resilience and reflection. I claim that a more positive ontological status is achieved through the avenues of memory, gender performativity and environmental care. To this end, I draw upon critical theories (Ahmed, Ashcroft, Boym, Vermeulen) that emphasise the ways identity formation is generated in sharing stories, performing a deep ecological stance and striving for utopian transnational directions. The dissertation, in conclusion, discloses how vulnerability and resilience inform melancholia and nostalgia and it finally suggests that in voicing human and natural fragility creative writing can open up to productive possibilities.
Key words: Jhumpa Lahiri, melancholia, nostalgia, Indian diaspora, trauma studies, ecocriticism, vulnerability
The dissertation explores Jhumpa Lahiri’s narrative in English and it brings to the fore the themes of melancholia and nostalgia in relation to postcolonial theory, trauma studies and ecocriticism. It takes Freudian distinction between mourning and melancholia as its starting premise to argue for the transformative potential of melancholia and nostalgia. I construct a theoretical dialogue by combining postcolonialism, mainly South Asian studies, with trauma studies, environmental issues and literary fiction. By drawing on these debates I illuminate the paradoxical relationship between melancholia, nostalgia and Jhumpa Lahiri’s narrative: story-telling is an essential tool for bearing witness to the traumatic events that shape the migrants’ lives, but it can also be used for working through vulnerability and for developing an ethical response. I am particularly interested in the manner in which Lahiri’s style weaves together psychological realism, postmodern solutions and off-modern trajectories that complicate early understandings of mental wounds. My analysis of Lahiri’s novels and short stories interrogates the traditional concepts of melancholia and nostalgia as individual pathologies and creative solipsistic attitudes. In Lahiri’s prose, racial, gender and generational conflicts are interwoven and portrayed as both conditions of losses and metamorphic situations. Whereas some Asian American immigrants are depicted as victims to racial melancholia or restorative nostalgia and tend to cling to the their ancestral traditions in food and routines, I contend that other immigrants, mainly second generations, endure a similarly painful condition that ultimately elicits resilience and reflection. I claim that a more positive ontological status is achieved through the avenues of memory, gender performativity and environmental care. To this end, I draw upon critical theories (Ahmed, Ashcroft, Boym, Vermeulen) that emphasise the ways identity formation is generated in sharing stories, performing a deep ecological stance and striving for utopian transnational directions. The dissertation, in conclusion, discloses how vulnerability and resilience inform melancholia and nostalgia and it finally suggests that in voicing human and natural fragility creative writing can open up to productive possibilities.
Key words: Jhumpa Lahiri, melancholia, nostalgia, Indian diaspora, trauma studies, ecocriticism, vulnerability
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