Tesi etd-03262018-205422 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Analisi istologica per l'individuazione di modificazioni indotte da congelamento in tessuto muscolare di Nasello (Merluccius merluccius)
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Armani, Andrea
correlatore Dott.ssa Tinacci, Lara
correlatore Dott.ssa Tinacci, Lara
Parole chiave
- freezing-thawing histology
- fresco-decongelato
- frodi prodotti ittici
- istologia
- Merluccius merluccius
- seafood fraud
- tessuto muscolare
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il congelamento è uno dei metodi più comuni per prolungare la shelf life dei prodotti ittici. Tuttavia, questo metodo di conservazione influisce sulla qualità organolettica dell’alimento comportandone un decremento del prezzo. Pertanto, risulta evidente quale possa essere l’importanza dell’autenticazione di questa categoria di prodotti al fine di evitare frodi. A tale scopo sono stati proposti diversi metodi: fisiologici (valutazione di cristallino ed ematocrito), chimici (analisi enzimatiche) e fisici (spettrofotometria e risonanza magnetica). Questi metodi presentano però limiti legati al costo e al tempo necessario per lo svolgimento ed all’interpretazione dei risultati. In questo contesto, il metodo istologico potrebbe rappresentare un’alternativa di semplice esecuzione e relativamente economica. Il presente studio ha avuto lo scopo, quindi, di definire un protocollo operativo standard in grado di differenziare prodotti ittici freschi/decongelati. Allo scopo, è stata selezionata una delle specie ittiche a carne bianca maggiormente consumate in Europa, ovvero il Merluccius merluccius (nasello). È stata condotta un’analisi preliminare sul tessuto muscolare di 8 esemplari freschi, catturati nelle 24 ore precedenti, per definire le caratteristiche morfologiche del tessuto e selezionare la sede di campionamento elettiva. Al fine di analizzare possibili alterazioni legate al deterioramento del prodotto fresco durante la shelf life commerciale, sono stati analizzati 15 prodotti freschi campionati a 24h, 72h e120h dalla cattura. Per selezionare i parametri morfologici e morfometrici da includere nella griglia operativa standard sono stati raccolti 90 campioni costituiti da: 30 esemplari freschi, 30 esemplari congelati sperimentalmente a -20°C e 30 esemplari congelati industrialmente a – 80°C. Sono stati selezionati quattro parametri indicativi di congelamento: score strutturale, presenza di vacuoli, presenza di materiale sieroproteinaceo intermiofibrale, numero di vacuoli per campo (valore cut-off di avvenuto congelamento: 1.12 vacuoli per campo). L’accuratezza e la ripetibilità della procedura sono state calcolate sulle analisi effettuate da due operatori diversi (uno esperto e uno in formazione) a cui è stato chiesto di riclassificare 50 campioni selezionati casualmente tra i gruppi del terzo esperimento. La procedura ha mostrato elevati valori di sensibilità e specificità (97-100% e 94-100%, rispettivamente). La validazione è stata condotta con una prova in cieco effettuata dai medesimi operatori su 30 prodotti commerciali freschi (13) e congelati industriali (17) mostrando valori di sensibilità e specificità del 100%. La griglia operativa proposta si presta quindi ad essere applicata per la verifica di fenomeni di adulterazione sia il controllo ufficiale che in sede di autocontrollo aziendale.
Freezing is one of the most common methods for prolonging the shelf life of seafood. However, this method of preservation affects the organoleptic quality of the food, resulting in a decrease of the price. Therefore, authentication methods play a pivotal role to prevent frauds. To this purpose, various methods have been proposed: physiological (crystalline and hematocrit assessment), chemical (enzymatic analysis) and physical (spectrophotometric and magnetic resonance analysis) analyses. However, these methods are sometimes cost and time expensive. In this context, the histological method could represent an alternative due to the simplicity of execution and cheapness. The present study aimed at defining a standard histology based method operating protocol to discriminate fresh from thawed fish products. To this purpose Merluccius merluccius (hake), one of the most widely consumed white meat fish species in Europe, was selected. A preliminary analysis was carried out on the muscle tissue of 8 fresh specimens, captured in the previous 24 hours, to define the morphological characteristics of the fresh tissue and to select the elective sampling site. Then, 15 fresh products sampled at different time from the capture (24h, 72h and 120h) were analyzed to assess possible alterations occurring during the commercial products shelf life. In order to select the morphological and morphometric parameters to be included in the standard operational grid, 90 additional samples were collected from: 30 fresh, 30 experimentally frozen (-20 ° C) and 30 industrially frozen (- 80 ° C) specimens. A total of four parameters were finally selected: structural score, presence of vacuoles, presence of intermiofibral seroproteinaceous material, number of vacuoles per field (cutoff value of freezing process: 1.12 vacuoles per field). The accuracy and repeatability of the procedure were calculated on the analysis carried out by two different operators (one expert and one in training) who were asked to reclassify 50 randomly selected samples among the groups of the third experiment. The procedure showed high sensitivity and specificity values (97-100% and 94-100%, respectively). The final validation, conducted by the same operators was carried out through a blind test on 30 (13 fresh and 17 industrially frozen) additional commercial products. The procedure showed 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The method proposed in this study can be applied both to official controls and companies self-check program for verifying the adulteration.
Freezing is one of the most common methods for prolonging the shelf life of seafood. However, this method of preservation affects the organoleptic quality of the food, resulting in a decrease of the price. Therefore, authentication methods play a pivotal role to prevent frauds. To this purpose, various methods have been proposed: physiological (crystalline and hematocrit assessment), chemical (enzymatic analysis) and physical (spectrophotometric and magnetic resonance analysis) analyses. However, these methods are sometimes cost and time expensive. In this context, the histological method could represent an alternative due to the simplicity of execution and cheapness. The present study aimed at defining a standard histology based method operating protocol to discriminate fresh from thawed fish products. To this purpose Merluccius merluccius (hake), one of the most widely consumed white meat fish species in Europe, was selected. A preliminary analysis was carried out on the muscle tissue of 8 fresh specimens, captured in the previous 24 hours, to define the morphological characteristics of the fresh tissue and to select the elective sampling site. Then, 15 fresh products sampled at different time from the capture (24h, 72h and 120h) were analyzed to assess possible alterations occurring during the commercial products shelf life. In order to select the morphological and morphometric parameters to be included in the standard operational grid, 90 additional samples were collected from: 30 fresh, 30 experimentally frozen (-20 ° C) and 30 industrially frozen (- 80 ° C) specimens. A total of four parameters were finally selected: structural score, presence of vacuoles, presence of intermiofibral seroproteinaceous material, number of vacuoles per field (cutoff value of freezing process: 1.12 vacuoles per field). The accuracy and repeatability of the procedure were calculated on the analysis carried out by two different operators (one expert and one in training) who were asked to reclassify 50 randomly selected samples among the groups of the third experiment. The procedure showed high sensitivity and specificity values (97-100% and 94-100%, respectively). The final validation, conducted by the same operators was carried out through a blind test on 30 (13 fresh and 17 industrially frozen) additional commercial products. The procedure showed 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The method proposed in this study can be applied both to official controls and companies self-check program for verifying the adulteration.
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Tesi non consultabile. |