Tesi etd-12282021-161422 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Indagine geobotanica sulle specie alofite presenti nelle aree salmastre litoranee della provincia di Pisa, ai fini di un possibile utilizzo in ambito etnobotanico
Corso di studi
relatore Dott. Bertacchi, Andrea
relatore Prof.ssa Lombardi, Tiziana
correlatore Prof. Pardossi, Alberto
relatore Prof.ssa Lombardi, Tiziana
correlatore Prof. Pardossi, Alberto
Parole chiave
- alofite
- aree salmastre costiere. halophytes
- Coastal Saltmarshes
- ethnobotany
- etnobotanica
- Galanchio
- Galanchio
- geobotanica
- geobotany
- San Rossore
- San Rossore
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
L'indagine ha riguardato il censimento, la mappatura e la caratterizzazione etnobotanica delle specie alofite presenti lungo il litorale pisano. Le principali aree salmastre del litorale pisano si trovano all’interno del Parco Regionale di Migliarino, San Rossore e Massaciuccoli. A nord si trova l’area delle “Lame” di San Rossore e a sud l’area di “Galanchio-Cornacchiaia”. All’interno delle aree studio si sviluppano fitocenosi alofite caratteristiche di quegli ambienti che presentano elevate concentrazioni di saline nel suolo. Dal mese di maggio a quello di ottobre 2021, è stata svolta un’indagine floristica delle aree e l'individuazione e selezione delle specie alofite presenti, successivamente caratterizzate dal punto di vista botanico ed etnobotanico. Queste specie sono state suddivise in Eualofite o alofite obbligate, come Salicornia spp., Suaeda spp. e J. acutus, e Mioalofite o alotolleranti, come Plantago coronopus e Artemisia caerulescens. A ciascuna specie alofita sono stati associati i relativi impieghi etnobotanici, ponendo maggiore attenzione per quelli alimentari e medicinali, quando presenti. Le specie maggiormente diffuse nell’area studio e che allo stesso tempo sono risultate di elevata importanza etnobotanica, sono state utilizzate per la realizzazione di una carta tematica digitale georeferenziata. La carta mostra la densità e la distribuzione delle diverse specie, correlate alle diverse caratteristiche ecologiche microtopografiche e all'ecologia delle specie individuate. I dati geografici delle carte digitali insieme alle informazioni etnobotaniche raccolte nel corso di questo studio possono rappresentare uno strumento funzionale a supporto della ricerca per la valorizzazione delle specie alofite come risorsa sia in ambito alimentare, che farmaceutico, che nutraceutico.
The investigation concerned the census, mapping and ethnobotanical characterisation of halophytic species present along the Pisan coastline. The main brackish areas of the Pisan coast are located within the Migliarino, San Rossore and Massaciuccoli Regional Park. To the north is the "Lame" area of San Rossore and to the south the "Galanchio-Cornacchiaia" area. Within the study areas, halophytic phytocoenoses develop that are characteristic of environments with high concentrations of salt in the soil. From May to October 2021, a floristic survey of the areas was carried out and the halophyte species present were identified and selected, subsequently characterised from a botanical and ethnobotanical point of view. These species were subdivided into Eualophytes or obligate halophytes, such as Salicornia spp., Suaeda spp. and J. acutus, and Mioalophytes or tollerant halophytes, such as Plantago coronopus and Artemisia caerulescens. Each halophytic species was associated with its ethnobotanical uses, highlight food and medicinal uses, when they are present. The species that are most widespread in the study area and which, at the same time, were found to be of high ethnobotanical importance, were used for the creation of a georeferenced digital thematic map. The map shows the density and distribution of the different species, correlated with the different microtopographical ecological characteristics and ecology of the species identified. The geographical data of the digital maps together with the ethnobotanical information collected during this study can represent a functional tool to support research for the valorisation of halophytic species as a resource in the food, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical sectors.
The investigation concerned the census, mapping and ethnobotanical characterisation of halophytic species present along the Pisan coastline. The main brackish areas of the Pisan coast are located within the Migliarino, San Rossore and Massaciuccoli Regional Park. To the north is the "Lame" area of San Rossore and to the south the "Galanchio-Cornacchiaia" area. Within the study areas, halophytic phytocoenoses develop that are characteristic of environments with high concentrations of salt in the soil. From May to October 2021, a floristic survey of the areas was carried out and the halophyte species present were identified and selected, subsequently characterised from a botanical and ethnobotanical point of view. These species were subdivided into Eualophytes or obligate halophytes, such as Salicornia spp., Suaeda spp. and J. acutus, and Mioalophytes or tollerant halophytes, such as Plantago coronopus and Artemisia caerulescens. Each halophytic species was associated with its ethnobotanical uses, highlight food and medicinal uses, when they are present. The species that are most widespread in the study area and which, at the same time, were found to be of high ethnobotanical importance, were used for the creation of a georeferenced digital thematic map. The map shows the density and distribution of the different species, correlated with the different microtopographical ecological characteristics and ecology of the species identified. The geographical data of the digital maps together with the ethnobotanical information collected during this study can represent a functional tool to support research for the valorisation of halophytic species as a resource in the food, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical sectors.
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La tesi non è consultabile. |