Tesi etd-12242021-114247 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
"Ad salutem hominum et decus urbis lucane". Igiene pubblica e paesaggio urbano a Lucca nel Trecento
Corso di studi
relatore Poloni, Alma
Parole chiave
- 1300
- black death
- fetore
- fourteenth century
- humoral paradigm
- igiene pubblica
- Lucca
- miasma theory
- peste nera
- public health
- public hygiene
- salute pubblica
- stench
- teoria umorale-miasmatica
- XIV secolo
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
La tesi affronta il tema dell’Igiene Pubblica nella Lucca del XIV secolo, cercando di evidenziare la sostanziale continuità di indirizzo della legislazione igienico-sanitaria, nel periodo antecedente e successivo allo scoppio della pandemia di peste del 1348. Il primo capitolo illustra il profilo e le competenze delle magistrature preposte alla tutela della salubrità dell’habitat cittadino e incaricate della difesa della salute collettiva. Il secondo capitolo esamina le misure di igiene del suolo, volte a garantire e a preservare la pulizia, il decoro e la piena fruibilità di vie, piazze e chiassi. Il terzo capitolo è dedicato ai provvedimenti di igiene delle acque, promulgati per salvaguardare la purezza e l’integrità delle risorse idriche urbane, in specie di quelle potabili. Il quarto capitolo descrive le norme in materia di igiene dell’aria, contestualmente alle coeve teorie mediche ed eziopatogenetiche; con particolare riguardo al paradigma umorale-miasmatico e alle nozioni chiave di fetore e putrefazione, che sembravano informare gran parte degli interventi di risanamento e bonifica approntati dal Comune toscano. Il quinto capitolo verte sulle disposizioni di igiene edilizia, emanate per regolamentare l’ubicazione delle latrine delle case, il sistema di scarico dei liquami, il regime di scolo degli acquai, la costruzione di pozzi neri e lo smaltimento della spazzatura domestica. Il sesto capitolo analizza il corpus di prescrizioni e divieti relativi all’igiene industriale e annonaria, elaborato allo scopo di disciplinare l’esercizio e la localizzazione topografica di mestieri insalubri e inquinanti, nonché la vendita di taluni generi alimentari, dei quali risultava indispensabile assicurare freschezza e genuinità. L’indagine è stata condotta prevalentemente su di una campionatura di compilazioni statutarie, talora affiancate da fonti cronachistiche, letterarie e iconografiche.
The thesis deals with the issue of Public Hygiene in fourteenth-century Lucca, trying to highlight the substantial continuity of direction of the sanitary legislation, in the period before and after the outbreak of the plague pandemic of 1348. The first chapter illustrates the profile and tasks of the magistrates responsible for the protection of the salubriousness of the city habitat and in charge of the defence of collective health. The second chapter examines soil hygiene measures, aimed at guaranteeing and preserving the cleanliness, decorum and full usability of streets, squares and alleys. The third chapter is devoted to water hygiene norms, promulgated to safeguard the purity and integrity of urban water resources, especially those for drinking. The fourth chapter describes the rules on air hygiene, contextually with the contemporary medical and etiopathogenetic theories; with particular regard to the humoral and miasma paradigm and the key notions of stench and putrefaction, which seemed to inform most of the remediation interventions prepared by the Tuscan municipality. The fifth chapter focuses on building hygiene provisions, enacted to regulate the position of latrines in the houses, the sewage discharge system, the drainage regime of sinks, the construction of cesspits and the disposal of domestic rubbish. The sixth chapter analyses the corpus of requirements and prohibitions relating to industrial and food hygiene, developed in order to discipline the exercise and topographical location of unhealthy and polluting crafts, as well as the sale of certain foodstuffs, of which it was essential to ensure freshness and genuineness. The research was carried out mainly on a sampling of statutory compilations, sometimes supported by chronical, literary and iconographic sources.
The thesis deals with the issue of Public Hygiene in fourteenth-century Lucca, trying to highlight the substantial continuity of direction of the sanitary legislation, in the period before and after the outbreak of the plague pandemic of 1348. The first chapter illustrates the profile and tasks of the magistrates responsible for the protection of the salubriousness of the city habitat and in charge of the defence of collective health. The second chapter examines soil hygiene measures, aimed at guaranteeing and preserving the cleanliness, decorum and full usability of streets, squares and alleys. The third chapter is devoted to water hygiene norms, promulgated to safeguard the purity and integrity of urban water resources, especially those for drinking. The fourth chapter describes the rules on air hygiene, contextually with the contemporary medical and etiopathogenetic theories; with particular regard to the humoral and miasma paradigm and the key notions of stench and putrefaction, which seemed to inform most of the remediation interventions prepared by the Tuscan municipality. The fifth chapter focuses on building hygiene provisions, enacted to regulate the position of latrines in the houses, the sewage discharge system, the drainage regime of sinks, the construction of cesspits and the disposal of domestic rubbish. The sixth chapter analyses the corpus of requirements and prohibitions relating to industrial and food hygiene, developed in order to discipline the exercise and topographical location of unhealthy and polluting crafts, as well as the sale of certain foodstuffs, of which it was essential to ensure freshness and genuineness. The research was carried out mainly on a sampling of statutory compilations, sometimes supported by chronical, literary and iconographic sources.
Nome file | Dimensione |
Tesi non consultabile. |