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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-12132022-220057

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Bitcoin and Its Technology: A Legal Perspective
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Passaglia, Paolo
Parole chiave
  • Bitcoin
  • Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Energy
  • FIAT Currency
  • Law
  • MiCA
  • Mining
  • Money
  • Proof-of-Work
  • Satoshi Nakamoto
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
This thesis focused on a new technology, which is still in a phase of study and worldwide adoption. In an attempt to frame Bitcoin in a legal perspective, it was necessary to study concepts of monetary policy, economics and computer science. The in-depth understanding of the technology is absolutely necessary in order to appreciate its purpose. Contrary to widespread belief, Bitcoin is a solution to a problem that humanity has never solved as of today, the ability to secure capital in time and space without a third party risk. It is a new monetary system which is not possible to be corrupted by any man or
any kind of institution, built on mathematics and sound engineering concepts. The legal perspective is still in its infancy, and a legal framework is still lacking creating a void in order to capture the essence of this technology. The scope of this thesis was to build and elaborate an understanding of the technical aspects first and its implications on economy and law. There is a need to prepare a sound framework for future legislation so that law does not become an inhibitor of innovation, as is the case of the ongoing debate about energy consumption of the Proof-of-Work mechanism, the latter is a unique feature of Bitcoin, making it really a sui generis. This interdisciplinary subject is quite vast and understanding correlations between them can only be achieved through proper analysis of all aspects and consequential scenarios.
This thesis is by no means to be considered as a completed work, but rather as a foundation for the legislator or for future legislation to use the facts that the author discusses upon, so that this technology can be used for the good of society and the economy at large.