Tesi etd-12122023-145704 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Progettazione e valutazione di un’app mobile e sito web per scoprire i tesori culturali di una citta'
Corso di studi
relatore Paternò, Fabio
Parole chiave
- app mobile
- sito web
- ux design
- website
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
In Italia il turismo è uno dei settori più importanti, grazie soprattutto al vasto patrimonio culturale presente. Proprio per dare risalto a questo patrimonio è stato deciso di creare un’app che potesse permettere a turisti (ma anche a studenti e visitatori abituali) di vivere un’esperienza innovativa, grazie all’utilizzo di un gioco, la caccia al tesoro, che permettesse loro di divertirsi in modo nuovo senza intaccare l’esperienza culturale di base. Quest’app è City Treasures. I contenuti dell’app consistono in tre cacce al tesoro realizzate tramite la piattaforma web di City Treasures. Queste tre cacce al tesoro a loro volta sono divise in tappe, e per ogni tappa ci sono delle domande a cui il giocatore deve rispondere. Le domande fanno riferimento alle tappe, che consistono generalmente in monumenti, musei o luoghi d’interesse. In particolare, sono state create tre tipi di cacce al tesoro: una culturale, una scientifica e una gastronomica. In più, è stato creato il sito web di City Treasures per promuovere l’app, in modo che più pubblico possibile potesse venirne a contatto. Prima è stato creato un mockup e poi è stato creato il sito vero e proprio. Infine, ho analizzato i possibili utenti e valutato le risposte di utenti reali.
In Italy tourism is one of the most important sectors, thanks mainly to the vast cultural heritage present. Just to highlight this heritage, it was decided to create an app that could allow tourists (but also students and regular visitors) to live an innovative experience, thanks to the use of a game, the treasure hunt, which allowed them to have fun in a new way without affecting the basic cultural experience. This app is City Treasures. The contents of the app consist of three treasure hunts made via the City Treasures web platform. These three treasure hunts in turn are divided into stages, and for each stage there are questions that the player must answer. Applications refer to the stages, which generally consist of monuments, museums or places of interest. In particular, three types of treasure hunts have been created: cultural, scientific and gastronomic. In addition, the City Treasures website was created to promote the app, so that as many people as possible could get in touch with it. First a mockup was created and then the actual site was created. Finally, I analyzed possible users and evaluated the responses of real users.
In Italy tourism is one of the most important sectors, thanks mainly to the vast cultural heritage present. Just to highlight this heritage, it was decided to create an app that could allow tourists (but also students and regular visitors) to live an innovative experience, thanks to the use of a game, the treasure hunt, which allowed them to have fun in a new way without affecting the basic cultural experience. This app is City Treasures. The contents of the app consist of three treasure hunts made via the City Treasures web platform. These three treasure hunts in turn are divided into stages, and for each stage there are questions that the player must answer. Applications refer to the stages, which generally consist of monuments, museums or places of interest. In particular, three types of treasure hunts have been created: cultural, scientific and gastronomic. In addition, the City Treasures website was created to promote the app, so that as many people as possible could get in touch with it. First a mockup was created and then the actual site was created. Finally, I analyzed possible users and evaluated the responses of real users.
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Tesi non consultabile. |