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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-11302021-151301

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Investments, Local Food System and Local Food Security among Small Family Farms: Evidence from Sekayam Sub-district, Sanggau Regency, Indonesia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Corso di studi
tutor Prof. Brunori, Gianluca
controrelatore Prof. Di Iacovo, Francesco Paolo
Parole chiave
  • food accessibility
  • food availability
  • food security
  • food utilization
  • Indonesia
  • KMP Program
  • local food system
  • market linkage
  • microfinance program
  • middleman
  • PUPM program
  • Sekayam sub-district
  • self-sufficiency
  • small family farms
Data inizio appello
This study had assessed small family farms, local food system, and local food security in the context of Indonesia, precisely in Sekayam sub-district, Sanggau regency located in the West Kalimantan province. This particular area is interesting due to the implementation of two investment plans there to improve the access of small family farms to financial and market linkages, namely Kawasan Mandiri Pangan (KMP) and Pengembangan Usaha Pangan Masyarakat (PUPM) programs. As such, the primary objective of this study is to assess the investment plans implemented for the small family farms in the research area, as well as the correlation of the investment plans with local food system and security. Besides Chapter 1 as the general introduction and Chapter 6 as the conclusion, this thesis is composed of one chapter dedicated to the literature review (Chapter 2), one chapter described general information related the research area and the investments (Chapter 3), and two chapters that outline the empirical outcomes (Chapter 4 & 5).
Based on a qualitative method analysis derives from interviews and FGDs, observation, and documentation, this research sheds light on: 1) the implementation of the Kawasan Mandiri Pangan (KMP) program as a microfinance program for farmer groups, whether the program affects farmers' decisions of production, marketing, and consumption or not, and its impacts on household food security along three dimensions: food availability, food access, and food utilization; 2) the efficiency of farmers’ shop (TTI) that supported by PUPM program, in the rice supply chain, and the program contribution in food security: food availability and food access. The local food system based on five food groups modified from seven food groups of household dietary diversity scale measurement, according to the local condition as well as market function through farmer-middleman interaction and its relation to food security are also described in Chapter 4. This chapter is a bridge between general description (Chapter 3) and the main result (Chapter 5), as it still a description of the research area related to local food system and market function that derived from interviews’ results.
The first section of Chapter 4 indicates that the Sekayam subdistrict is self-sufficient in rice, vegetables, and freshwater fish but depends on other places for meat needs, seafood, and other foodstuffs such as cooking oil, milk, eggs, and sugar. It highlights the importance of developing some potential food sources to fulfill a community need so that Sekayam sub-district in the future no longer much depend on other places supplied, to pursue local self-sufficiency and better local food security. The activity includes food production, processing & packaging, distribution & retailing, and consumption. The next section of Chapter 4 indicates that each middleman's role differs depending on the interaction, where most of them are simply a way to connecting farmers to the final market to earn cash quickly. Taken together, the section findings highlight the role of each middleman, including "Bertauke" interaction, which is uniquely proven to contribute to food availability and food accessibility of the small farm households from one harvest-time to another.
The KMP programs’ section in Chapter 5 indicates no intervention of specific crop commercialization from the program, where best crops selling price, relation, and commitment are factors affecting farmer marketing-decision. Other findings are food access at the household level increased when crop selling price was reasonable, and food utilization is much influenced by local wisdom. Taken together, this section findings highlight the importance of capability of the management, commitment of the members, and supervision of agricultural extension agents. There is a need for a local-owned enterprise to absorb agricultural products to maintain crops selling price, which is the primary driver of food accessibility and utilization at the household level. While the PUPM program result indicates that the program had definite success in shortening the supply chain, even though it still could not influence the stabilization of supply and market price. The program benefits farmers because now they can get income from rice farming and help the community at the same time because they can buy or access rice at a low price compared to the market. The findings highlight the importance of standardization of the crop and provide more TTI numbers with more volume and design the criteria for the consumer to contribute to poverty alleviation and local food security at the same time.