Tesi etd-11292021-111816 |
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Tesi di laurea magistrale
Partition regularity of geoarithmetic progressions and some generalizations using the algebra on ultrafilters
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Di Nasso, Mauro
Parole chiave
- geoarithmetic progressions
- partition regularity
- Ramsey theory
- semigroups
- ultrafilters
Data inizio appello
In questa tesi si presentano risultati recenti riguardo la teoria aritmetica di Ramsey, una branca della combinatoria che si incentra sullo studio di configurazioni aritmetiche di una struttura che siano regolari per partizioni, ovvero che siano presenti in una classe di una qualsiasi partizione finita della struttura considerata. Un classico risultato della teoria è il teorema di Van der Waerden (1927) , che afferma che, per ogni k numero naturale, la famiglia delle progressioni aritmetiche di lunghezza k è regolare per partizioni. Ciò equivale a dire, usando il principio della piccionaia, che per ogni partizione finita dei numeri naturali esiste una classe che contiene progressioni aritmetiche finite di lunghezza arbitraria. I risultati che verranno presentati si occuperanno di progressioni geoaritmetiche (che sono configurazioni ottenute combinando tra loro progressioni aritmetiche e geometriche) e di alcune sue generalizzazioni. Per dimostrare tali risultati, ci avvaliamo della struttura algebrica dell'insieme degli ultrafiltri sui numeri naturali.
In this thesis we present some recent results about arithmetic Ramsey theory. This theory is a branch of combinatorics concerned with finding arithmetic configurations that are partition regular, that is, that are present in some cell of any finite partition of the considered structure. A classic result of the theory is Van der Waerden's theorem (1927), which states that, for every positive integer k, the family of arithmetic progressions of length k is partition regular in the set of natural numbers. This is equivalent to say, by pigeonhole principle, that for every finite partition of natural numbers, there exists a cell which contains arithmetic progression of arbitrary finite length. The results that we present deal with geoarithmetic progressions (that are configurations obtained by combination of both arithmetic and geometric progressions) and some other generalizations. To prove them, we will use the algebraic structure of the set of all ultrafilters on the set of natural numbers.
In this thesis we present some recent results about arithmetic Ramsey theory. This theory is a branch of combinatorics concerned with finding arithmetic configurations that are partition regular, that is, that are present in some cell of any finite partition of the considered structure. A classic result of the theory is Van der Waerden's theorem (1927), which states that, for every positive integer k, the family of arithmetic progressions of length k is partition regular in the set of natural numbers. This is equivalent to say, by pigeonhole principle, that for every finite partition of natural numbers, there exists a cell which contains arithmetic progression of arbitrary finite length. The results that we present deal with geoarithmetic progressions (that are configurations obtained by combination of both arithmetic and geometric progressions) and some other generalizations. To prove them, we will use the algebraic structure of the set of all ultrafilters on the set of natural numbers.
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