Tesi etd-11232011-111059 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di dottorato di ricerca
Radiation reaction effects in superintense laser-plasma interaction
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Corso di studi
tutor Prof. Macchi, Andrea
relatore Prof. Pegoraro, Francesco
relatore Prof. Pegoraro, Francesco
Parole chiave
- laser-matter interactions
- polarization effects
- radiation friction
- radiation pressure acceleration
- radiation reaction
Data inizio appello
At the extremely high laser intensities expected in next generation experiments, electrons can
become ultrarelativistic within a fraction of wave period experiencing superstrong accelerations therefore emitting large amounts of electromagnetic radiation. The Radiation Reaction (RR) force basically describes the back action on a single electron by its self-generated electromagnetic fields and it may significantly affect the dynamics at the extreme intensities expected in the foreseen laser-plasma interaction regimes.
In the present thesis, we present the results of our multi-dimensional Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulations at ultra-high intensities showing the RR ability to reduce the electron heating and to increase both the electron and the ion bunching. Our approach is based on the Landau-Lifshitz equation of motion for electrons which is free from known problems of other approaches such as, e.g., runaway solutions. A detailed study of polarization effects at ultra-high intensities is also presented.
become ultrarelativistic within a fraction of wave period experiencing superstrong accelerations therefore emitting large amounts of electromagnetic radiation. The Radiation Reaction (RR) force basically describes the back action on a single electron by its self-generated electromagnetic fields and it may significantly affect the dynamics at the extreme intensities expected in the foreseen laser-plasma interaction regimes.
In the present thesis, we present the results of our multi-dimensional Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulations at ultra-high intensities showing the RR ability to reduce the electron heating and to increase both the electron and the ion bunching. Our approach is based on the Landau-Lifshitz equation of motion for electrons which is free from known problems of other approaches such as, e.g., runaway solutions. A detailed study of polarization effects at ultra-high intensities is also presented.
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