Tesi etd-11212011-100648 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Disfunzioni neuropsicologiche in bambini e adolescenti con diagnosi di Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico ad alto funzionamento
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Muratori, Filippo
tutor Dott. Narzisi, Antonio
tutor Dott. Narzisi, Antonio
Parole chiave
- alto funzionamento
- autistic spectrum
- cognitive phenotype
- fenotipo cognitivo
- high functioning
- neurodiversità
- neurodiversity
- neuropsicologia
- neuropsychology
- spettro autistico
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Lo spettro autistico (ASD) comprende l’insieme di quei bambini che manifestano disturbi a livello del comportamento interpersonale, comunicativo e presentano interessi ristretti e stereotipati. La più importante distinzione fenotipica negli ASD è stata fatta tra le condizioni definite ad alto e a basso funzionamento cognitivo. Nonostante il buon livello intellettivo vengono riportate numerose atipie nelle capacità neuropsicologiche dei soggetti con ASD che possono riguardare aree di maggiore competenza (es. capacità visuospaziali o percettive) e altre in cui le prestazioni appaiono deficitarie (funzioni esecutive, competenze linguistiche e sequenze di imitazione). L’obiettivo principale del lavoro qui presentato è quello di studiare il profilo neuropsicologico in una popolazione di bambini in età scolare con ASD. Per condurre questo studio abbiamo usato l’adattamento italiano della batteria neuropsicologica NEPSY-2 (Korkman e coll.; Urgesi e coll., 2007). I nostri risultati mostrano prestazioni significativamente inferiori nei soggetti con ASD rispetto ai soggetti con sviluppo tipico. La popolazione di soggetti con ASD da noi studiata è caratterizzata da difficoltà neuropsicologiche di entità medio-grave contemporaneamente diffuse in vari domini (Williams e coll., 2006), che non si ridurrebbero soltanto a singole capacità cognitive, cioè a singoli sistemi neurali disfunzionanti, come è stato da alcuni autori precedentemente ipotizzato ( Hughes, 1994).
The autistic spectrum (ASD) includes all the children that show impairments in interpersonal behavior, communication and have restricted and fixed interests. The most important phenotypic distinction in ASD has been made between subjects with high and low cognitive functioning. Despite the good intellective level, many neuropsychological abnormalities in subjects with ASD that can include areas of strengths (such as visuospatial or perceptual abilities) and areas of weakness ( such as executive functions, some languages abilities and sequences imitation) have been reported. The most important aim of this work has been to describe the neuropsychological profile in a sample of children and adolescents with ASD. To assess this we have used the Italian version of NEPSY-II (Korkman et al.; Urgesi et al., 2007). Our results show a lower performance of the sample with ASD compared to the typical development sample. The sample with ASD that has been studied in this work, has been characterized from neuropsychological difficulties of medium-deep-level, contemporaneously spreading in many cognitive domains (i.e.: Williams et al., 2006) which are not reduced to a single cognitive ability, or in other words to a single impaired neural circuit, as other authors have previously said (i.e.: Hughes, 1994).
The autistic spectrum (ASD) includes all the children that show impairments in interpersonal behavior, communication and have restricted and fixed interests. The most important phenotypic distinction in ASD has been made between subjects with high and low cognitive functioning. Despite the good intellective level, many neuropsychological abnormalities in subjects with ASD that can include areas of strengths (such as visuospatial or perceptual abilities) and areas of weakness ( such as executive functions, some languages abilities and sequences imitation) have been reported. The most important aim of this work has been to describe the neuropsychological profile in a sample of children and adolescents with ASD. To assess this we have used the Italian version of NEPSY-II (Korkman et al.; Urgesi et al., 2007). Our results show a lower performance of the sample with ASD compared to the typical development sample. The sample with ASD that has been studied in this work, has been characterized from neuropsychological difficulties of medium-deep-level, contemporaneously spreading in many cognitive domains (i.e.: Williams et al., 2006) which are not reduced to a single cognitive ability, or in other words to a single impaired neural circuit, as other authors have previously said (i.e.: Hughes, 1994).
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