Tesi etd-11192012-164720 |
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Tesi di laurea specialistica
Corso di studi
relatore Pinchera, Valeria
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Le imprese familiari costituiscono da sempre una componente essenziale della struttura economica italiana, hanno svolto e continuano a svolgere un ruolo vitale nello sviluppo dei paesi industrializzati. In Italia, però, il grado di concentrazione della proprietà è estremamente elevato, indipendentemente dalla dimensione dell’impresa. Se negli altri paesi, sono soprattutto le imprese di piccole dimensioni ad essere a conduzione familiare, in Italia la proprietà (familiare) risulta estremamente concentrata anche nelle medie e grandi imprese. Il presente lavoro cerca di fare luce sulla solidità e competitività del modello di impresa familiare nel settore delle moda italiana di fronte alle crisi dell’ultimo decennio del Duemila (2001-2010), rispetto ai modelli di imprese non familiari. Le imprese analizzate sono quelle di medie-grandi dimensioni, ossia quelle che attualmente, in Italia, risultano essere le più rilevanti e dinamiche e al tempo stesso le meno esplorate. Il settore della moda rappresenta da diversi decenni uno dei settori più significativi dell’industria manifatturiera italiana in termini di: occupazione, produzione e creazione di ricchezza. Nonostante questo, l’industria della moda italiana risulta abbastanza trascurata sia dal family business che della business history. In letteratura si riportano dei dati generali sull’andamento del settore, ma le informazioni dettagliate sulle imprese sono piuttosto ridotte. Inoltre, l’interesse della letteratura si è principalmente focalizzato sulle piccole imprese. Nello svolgere il presente lavoro, si sono utilizzati gli studi di family business per capire l’evoluzione e caratteristiche delle imprese familiari, gli studi di business history per capire l’evoluzione del sistema moda italiano e i dati Mediobanca (una delle più importanti istituzioni finanziarie italiane con una lunga tradizione di raccolta dati sulle principali società italiane) per analizzare l’evoluzione e le performance delle imprese familiari italiane di medie-grandi dimensioni che operano nel campo della moda. Tale fonte è stata poco utilizzata sia dalla business history che dal family business, ma per il presente lavoro è stata di indispensabile aiuto.
The family business represent an essential component in the Italian economy, they had been playing a vital role in the developed countries progress. Nonetheless, the Italian property grade concentration is extremely high, independently from the firm dimension. Whereas in foreign countries a great part of family business is represented by small enterprises, in Italy the family property highly involves big and medium enterprises. The main goal of this work is to highlight the robustness and the competitiveness of the Italian family business model in the fashion sector that has to face the hard economic crisis involving the last decade (from 2001 to 2010), with respect to the enterprise model run by partners without any family connection. The firms analysed in this work are the medium and the big ones, that is, those that nowadays, in Italy, seem to be the more important and the more dynamic but at the same time the less examined. The fashion sector had been representing for decades one of the most significant sector in the Italian manufacturing industry in terms of employment, production and richness creation. Despite that, the Italian fashion industry appears to be rather disregarded from both family business and business history. The literature often quotes general data concerning the fashion sector trend, but it offers poor detailed information about firms. The following work has been developed using the family business studies that allowed to analyse the evolution and the family companies characteristics and the business history studies that enabled to understand the Italian fashion system evolution. Furthermore, the MEDIOBANCA data (one of the most important financial Italian institution committed in the collection of information regarding the biggest and the most important Italian companies) were used with the aim to analyse the evolution and the performances of the medium and big Italian business family firms operating in the fashion area. This source, hardly used by both business history and family business, turned out to be an essential tool for the development of the following work.
The family business represent an essential component in the Italian economy, they had been playing a vital role in the developed countries progress. Nonetheless, the Italian property grade concentration is extremely high, independently from the firm dimension. Whereas in foreign countries a great part of family business is represented by small enterprises, in Italy the family property highly involves big and medium enterprises. The main goal of this work is to highlight the robustness and the competitiveness of the Italian family business model in the fashion sector that has to face the hard economic crisis involving the last decade (from 2001 to 2010), with respect to the enterprise model run by partners without any family connection. The firms analysed in this work are the medium and the big ones, that is, those that nowadays, in Italy, seem to be the more important and the more dynamic but at the same time the less examined. The fashion sector had been representing for decades one of the most significant sector in the Italian manufacturing industry in terms of employment, production and richness creation. Despite that, the Italian fashion industry appears to be rather disregarded from both family business and business history. The literature often quotes general data concerning the fashion sector trend, but it offers poor detailed information about firms. The following work has been developed using the family business studies that allowed to analyse the evolution and the family companies characteristics and the business history studies that enabled to understand the Italian fashion system evolution. Furthermore, the MEDIOBANCA data (one of the most important financial Italian institution committed in the collection of information regarding the biggest and the most important Italian companies) were used with the aim to analyse the evolution and the performances of the medium and big Italian business family firms operating in the fashion area. This source, hardly used by both business history and family business, turned out to be an essential tool for the development of the following work.
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