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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-11142012-142016

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica
Indirizzo email
daniele.marini19@gmail.com, criptangel@hotmail.it
Improvement of a Genetic Algorithm for Manufacturing Optimization through Integration of Competence-based Criteria of the Working Personnel
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Dini, Gino
Parole chiave
  • competence based criteria
  • modified Genetic Algorithms
  • personnel influence
  • personnel interacting GUI
Data inizio appello
Purpose: concept development and software modification to integrate worker´s competencies into technological process chain optimization using mathematical models and a genetic algorithm.
Design/methodology/approach: A revision of GA applications found in literature is necessary for select the right strategy to change the process models. The competences and knowledge theory for the personnel give a systematic way for collecting the workers skills and the needed competence to perform the job. The development of a new coefficient, the KOP, gives the possibility of having a parameter that connects the workers´ competencies with every process: this coefficient guides the planner to do a better worker assignment of the workers to the jobs, and obtaining process parameter influenced by the personnel. This is obtaining by the insertion of coefficients in the process models, taking in consideration the influence of the personnel on the process time (different for every kind of job). The modifications of the prototype develop a method which allows for an integrated technological and competence-based process chain planning. This method was implemented into a software prototype by programming a “competence-module”.
Findings: The changing of the process models gives as results of the GA a set of parameters influenced by the competence of the personnel, and a set of KOPs optimally selected by the algorithm: the evaluation of the competence owned and needed bring to a production of another KOPs set. The systematic confrontation of these two sets, with the introduction of logic passages and a tolerance system, bring to an optimal selection of the personnel. The result of the validation shows an improvement of the performances, in relationship with the available pool of worker.
Originality/value: The proposed work can be considered as a first step to the simultaneous and symbiotic optimization of the process parameters and the working personnel system. This is a first proposal to integrate the personnel in a systematic way, contemporary for the influence on time, cost, and parameters of the processes and for the assignation to the jobs themselves.
Keywords: personnel influence, competence based criteria, modified Genetic Algorithms, personnel interacting GUI
Document type: Master Degree Thesis.
