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Archivio digitale delle tesi discusse presso l’Università di Pisa

Tesi etd-11132019-233539

Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale LM5
Hygrothermal assessment of hemp lime building components
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Leccese, Francesco
relatore Prof. Kindinis, Andrea
relatore Prof.ssa Contrada, Francesca
controrelatore Prof. Salvadori, Giacomo
Parole chiave
  • biobased material
  • carbon footprint
  • climate change
  • dynamic simulation
  • global warming
  • hemp
  • hemp concrete
  • hemplime
  • hygrothermal analysis
  • PAN
  • Paris
  • sustainability
  • WUFI
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
In the current global context, where the concept of sustainable development is becoming increasingly important, one of the main objectives is undoubtedly the reduction of environmental impact due to human activities. The increasing global participation to the discussion on the concepts of environment and sustainability has led to a series of interdisciplinary programs, strategies and policies aimed at environmental protection, economic welfare and social cohesion. Nevertheless, in the last half century we have continued, and still continue, to observe the exponential growth of energy consumption, which must be addressed by looking for new models of development and production of energy from alternative sources, involving citizens through information and participation in decision-making processes, suggesting different lifestyles and influencing the choices imposed by consumption. It is therefore appropriate to identify and follow different paths from the current ones, fixing the production systems in such a way that they involve a careful and rational use of natural resources.
Among the leading sectors of the world economy and energy consumption there is the construction sector which, nowadays, represents about 40% of total demand but, at the same time, offers the widest range of potential energy savings. This minimization of energy consumption can be achieved through a careful management of the entire building process, so as to lead to the achievement of objectives aimed at ensuring high performance thanks to the synergistic work done by the building envelope and technological systems. Therefore, the environmental impact of buildings requires innovative solutions in the field of envelope components. The conception, design and construction of buildings capable of increasing living comfort, reducing energy requirements, optimizing performance and, at the same time, using materials as natural as possible becomes a high priority.
In this context, several innovative options can be introduced through the use of natural materials, both for new constructions and in renovation of existing buildings. Among these, the bio compound consisting of hemp fiber, lime and water represents a valid solution, also resulting in a negative carbon footprint material. While lime offers good mechanical performance, hemp improves thermal, hygrometric and acoustic properties. Therefore, the union of the two components can significantly improve the environmental qualities.
Research and innovation in the field of construction products and materials, together with the study of raw materials of natural origin with low environmental impact, work to propose valid alternatives to the traditional ones, which have strong environmental repercussions, from the production phase to the end of disposal.
The aim of the thesis is to bring to the readers' the characteristics of the bio-composed hemp-lime material (also known as hemp concrete) used in building production, investigating and focusing more attention on the thermal and hygrometric behavior influenced by the boundary conditions, in order to understand its performance, fields of application and its potential for sustainability and energy saving.