Tesi etd-11112020-132619 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Rilievo stratigrafico di dettaglio per l'interpretazione paleo-deposizionale dei depositi del sito archeologico di San. Gaetano, Vada (LI), con l'ausilio di immagini GPR
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Sarti, Giovanni
correlatore Prof. Ribolini, Adriano
correlatore Prof. Ribolini, Adriano
Parole chiave
- analisi granulometriche
- foreshore
- rilevamento stratigrafico
- shoreface
- sistema progradante
- spiaggia attuale
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Il presente lavoro di tesi si è sviluppato nell’area di Vada Volaterrana (LI) dove, dal 1982, il Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche del Mondo Antico dell’Università di Pisa effettua indagini multidisciplinari in località San Gaetano di Vada. In quest’area è stato portato in luce un quartiere di età romana ubicato in prossimità del porto dell’antica Vada Volaterrana. Per lo sviluppo di questa Tesi di Laurea, sono state realizzate due trincee di scavo, dove è stato effettuato un rilevamento stratigrafico di dettaglio e dove sono stati prelevati dei campioni rappresentativi di ogni intervallo affiorante. Successivamente è stato analizzato un profilo di spiaggia attuale, adiacente l'area di studio, lungo il quale sono stati prelevati campioni di sedimenti rappresentativi dei vari elementi morfologici individuati lungo il profilo. Su ogni campione prelevato, sia per quelli relativi al profilo attuale, sia per quelli relativi alle pareti delle trincee, sono state effettuate analisi granulometriche. La scelta di quest'area di studio risiede nel fatto che il confronto tra un paleo profilo di spiaggia ed uno attuale, può fornire elementi utili nella descrizione dell'evoluzione del tratto costiero di Rosignano Solvay-Vada, il quale, negli ultimi decenni, ha subito una variazione nell'apporto sedimentario, anche a causa della presenza di diverse attività antropiche. A supporto delle interpretazioni stratigrafiche, sono stati effettuati dei profili Ground Penetrating Radar (Georadar, GPR) paralleli alle pareti delle trincee analizzate. Questi dati sono stati acquisiti con due antenne a diversa frequenza nominale, rispettivamente di 600 e 200 MHz. L'impiego di un sistema GPR a doppia frequenza ha permesso di avere una maggiore risoluzione del segnale e di raggiungere una maggiore profondità di investigazione. Sulla base di queste considerazioni, lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di combinare tre set di dati acquisiti durante l'attività di campo (rilevamento di dettaglio, analisi granulometriche e profili GPR), per ricostruire l'evoluzione stratigrafica dei depositi individuati all'interno delle due trincee e per confrontare questi risultati con un attuale profilo di spiaggia, antistante l'area di studio. In un primo momento è stata ricostruita l'evoluzione stratigrafica di un profilo di spiaggia attraverso un rilevamento di dettaglio, in modo tale da poter classificare con precisione, la tipologia di costa individuata. I dati GPR sono stati elaborati ed interpretati associando alle riflessioni evidenze stratigrafiche visibili all'interno delle trincee. Questo ha poi permesso di estendere lateralmente, per tutta l'estensione del profilo GPR, i depositi individuati all'interno delle trincee. Successivamente diventa importante il confronto tra i dati granulometrici del profilo attuale e quelli ottenuti dal rilevamento stratigrafico in modo da avere un confronto tra un paleo sistema di spiaggia ed uno attuale. Le conclusioni di questo lavoro hanno permesso di ricostruire l'evoluzione del profilo di spiaggia e di conoscere le modifiche che questo tratto costiero ha registrato a causa di apporti sedimentari esterni e di attività antropiche recenti. I dati granulometrici hanno permesso di individuare da una parte un profilo di spiaggia mista MSG beach (trincee) mentre dall'altra un profilo di Sandy beach (spiaggia attuale). Il confronto fra i tre set di dati disponibili (rilevamento stratigrafico di dettaglio, analisi granulometriche e profili GPR) ha permesso una ricostruzione accurata dell'evoluzione paleo-deposizionale dell'area studiata individuando precisi ambienti deposizionali di un profilo di spiaggia .Le caratteristiche stratigrafiche dei depositi delle trincee hanno consentito di attribuire i depositi analizzati, ad un ambiente marino di foreshore: in particolare gli intervalli stratigrafici sono rappresentativi di ambienti compresi nella transizione tra foreshore e shoreface. Le indagini GPR hanno confermato quanto rilevato in affioramento, individuando, lungo tutta l'estensione laterale dei profili, una sequenza deposizionale riferibile ad un ambiente progradante di foreshore.
This thesis work was developed in the area of Vada Volaterrana (LI) where, since 1982, the Department of Historical Sciences of the Ancient World of the University of Pisa, carries out multidisciplinary investigations in the San Gaetano di Vada locality. In this area was found a Roman quarter located near the port of the ancient Vada Volaterrana. For this master thesis, were made two excavation trenches, where was carried out a detailed stratigraphic survey and where representative samples of each outcropping interval were taken. Later then, was analyzed a current beach profile, adjacent to the study area, along which were taken representative sediment's samples of the various morphological elements identified along the profile. On each sample taken, both for those related to the current profile and for those related to the trenches, were carried out granulometric analyzes. The choice of this study area depends in the fact that the comparison between a paleo beach profile and a current beach profile, can give useful elements for the description of the evolution of the coastal stretch of Rosignano Solvay-Vada, which, in recent decades, suffered a variation in the sedimentary supply due to various anthropic activities. To support the stratigraphic interpretations, were made Ground Penetrating Radar (Georadar, GPR) profiles parallel to the walls of the analyzed trenches. These data were acquired with two antennas with different frequencies, respectively 600 and 200 MHz. The use of a dual frequency GPR system allowed to have a higher resolution of the signal and to reach a greater depth of investigation. The results obtained from this exploration allowed to identify sedimentary structures both at greater depths and at a greater lateral extension with respect to the study trenches. In the costal environment, the Georadar becomes a very useful instrument for the investigation of underground morphology. After these considerations, the purpose of this work was to combine three sets of data acquired during the field activity (detailed survey, granulometric analysis and GPR profiles), to rebuild the stratigraphic evolution of the deposits identified inside two trenches and to compare these results with a current beach profile, nearby the study area. At first was reconstructed the stratigraphic evolution of a beach profile through a detailed survey, so as to be able to accurately classify the type of coast identified. The GPR data were processed and interpreted by associating the stratigraphic evidence visible inside the trenches with the reflections. This allowed to extend the deposits identified inside the trenches to the full extent of the GPR profile. Subsequently becomes important the comparison between the granulometric data of the current profile and those obtained from the stratigraphic survey in order to have a comparison between a paleo beach system and a current one. The conclusions of this work made possible to reconstruct the evolution of the beach profile and to know the changes that this coastal stretch has recorded due to external sedimentary inputs and recent anthropic activities. Granulometric data allowed to identify on one side a profile of mixed MSG beach (trenches) while on the other a profile of Sandy beach (current beach). The comparison between the three available data sets (detailed stratigraphic survey, granulometric analysis and GPR profiles) allowed an accurate reconstruction of the paleo-depositional evolution of the studied area by identifying precise depositional environments. Stratigraphic characteristics of the trench deposits have made possible to attribute the analyzed deposits to a marine foreshore environment: in particular the stratigraphic intervals are representative of environments included in the transition between foreshore and shoreface. The GPR profiles confirmed what was detected in the outcrop, identifying, along the entire lateral extension of all profiles, a depositional sequence referable to a prograding foreshore environment.
This thesis work was developed in the area of Vada Volaterrana (LI) where, since 1982, the Department of Historical Sciences of the Ancient World of the University of Pisa, carries out multidisciplinary investigations in the San Gaetano di Vada locality. In this area was found a Roman quarter located near the port of the ancient Vada Volaterrana. For this master thesis, were made two excavation trenches, where was carried out a detailed stratigraphic survey and where representative samples of each outcropping interval were taken. Later then, was analyzed a current beach profile, adjacent to the study area, along which were taken representative sediment's samples of the various morphological elements identified along the profile. On each sample taken, both for those related to the current profile and for those related to the trenches, were carried out granulometric analyzes. The choice of this study area depends in the fact that the comparison between a paleo beach profile and a current beach profile, can give useful elements for the description of the evolution of the coastal stretch of Rosignano Solvay-Vada, which, in recent decades, suffered a variation in the sedimentary supply due to various anthropic activities. To support the stratigraphic interpretations, were made Ground Penetrating Radar (Georadar, GPR) profiles parallel to the walls of the analyzed trenches. These data were acquired with two antennas with different frequencies, respectively 600 and 200 MHz. The use of a dual frequency GPR system allowed to have a higher resolution of the signal and to reach a greater depth of investigation. The results obtained from this exploration allowed to identify sedimentary structures both at greater depths and at a greater lateral extension with respect to the study trenches. In the costal environment, the Georadar becomes a very useful instrument for the investigation of underground morphology. After these considerations, the purpose of this work was to combine three sets of data acquired during the field activity (detailed survey, granulometric analysis and GPR profiles), to rebuild the stratigraphic evolution of the deposits identified inside two trenches and to compare these results with a current beach profile, nearby the study area. At first was reconstructed the stratigraphic evolution of a beach profile through a detailed survey, so as to be able to accurately classify the type of coast identified. The GPR data were processed and interpreted by associating the stratigraphic evidence visible inside the trenches with the reflections. This allowed to extend the deposits identified inside the trenches to the full extent of the GPR profile. Subsequently becomes important the comparison between the granulometric data of the current profile and those obtained from the stratigraphic survey in order to have a comparison between a paleo beach system and a current one. The conclusions of this work made possible to reconstruct the evolution of the beach profile and to know the changes that this coastal stretch has recorded due to external sedimentary inputs and recent anthropic activities. Granulometric data allowed to identify on one side a profile of mixed MSG beach (trenches) while on the other a profile of Sandy beach (current beach). The comparison between the three available data sets (detailed stratigraphic survey, granulometric analysis and GPR profiles) allowed an accurate reconstruction of the paleo-depositional evolution of the studied area by identifying precise depositional environments. Stratigraphic characteristics of the trench deposits have made possible to attribute the analyzed deposits to a marine foreshore environment: in particular the stratigraphic intervals are representative of environments included in the transition between foreshore and shoreface. The GPR profiles confirmed what was detected in the outcrop, identifying, along the entire lateral extension of all profiles, a depositional sequence referable to a prograding foreshore environment.
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Tesi non consultabile. |