Tesi etd-11112013-173624 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica
Molecular description of Holospora caryophila, the highly infectious macronuclear endosymbiont of Paramecium spp.
Corso di studi
relatore Dott. Petroni, Giulio
relatore Dott.ssa Schrallhammer, Martina
relatore Dott.ssa Schrallhammer, Martina
Parole chiave
- 'Candidatus Preeria caryophila'
- 16S rRNA
- connecting piece
- endosymbiosis
- evolution
- full-cycle rRNA analysis
- holospora-like bacteria
- infectious forms
- internal transcribed spacer
- macronucleus
- maximum likelihood
- micronucleus
- phylogenetics
- reproductive forms
Data inizio appello
In questo studio, viene presentata la prima descrizione molecolare di Holospora caryophila, un simbionte macronucleare infettivo del Paramecium. In accordo con la descrizione originale, H. caryophila è affiliata al genere Holospora sulla base di morfologia, peculiarità del ciclo vitale e specificità d’ospite. Otto ceppi di Paramecium sono stati sottoposti ad analisi comparativa del marcatore molecolare 16S rRNA dei simbionti ospitati. Tutti i ceppi di H. caryophila investigati hanno mostrato valori di similarità del gene 16S rRNA pari od inferiori all’ 87,8 % con i membri del genere Holospora finora descritti a livello molecolare, tra cui la “type species” Holospora undulata. Grazie al recente aumento di risoluzione nella filogenesi degli Holospora-like bacteria (HLBs), siamo adesso in grado di ricostruire un modello evolutivo del meccanismo di trasmissione orizzontale di questi parassiti. Viene infatti qui dimostrato, su base filogenetica, che la capacità delle forme infettive (IFs) di accumularsi nel “connecting piece” durante la divisione nucleare dell’ospite è un apomorfia delle olospore maggiormente specializzate nello stile di vita parassitario. Vista l'incapacità di H. caryophila di indurre il “connecting piece” durante il ciclo infettivo, e dati i modesti valori di similarità del 16S rRNA rispetto agl’altri HLBs, viene qui proposta la sua rimozione dal genere Holospora, il trasferimento ad un nuovo taxon Preeria gen. nov. e la combinazione Preeria caryophila comb. nov.. Infine, in un sottogruppo dei ceppi di H. caryophila investigati, è stato caratterizzato l’ “Internal Transcribed Spacer” (ITS), e l'estremità 5' del gene 23S rRNA. L'analisi di questa regione ha rivelato una sorprendente “etereogeneità molecolare” tra i ceppi ospitati dalle due morfospecie di Paramecium naturalmente infettate da H. caryophila; il Paramecium aurelia complex ed il Paramecium caudatum. Anche se apparentemente identici, i ceppi di H. caryophila infettanti le due morfospecie ospite potrebbero essere geneticamente distinti.
Protists belonging to phylum Ciliophora are frequently colonized by intracellular bacteria traditionally referred to as “endosymbionts”. Among ciliates, Paramecium (Eukaryota, Alveolata, Ciliophora, Intramacronucleata) represents a suitable model for studying the biodiversity and phylogeny of these bacteria, as many as 60 prokaryotic organisms have been found to inhabit virtually all of its subcellular compartments. In this study is presented the first molecular description of Holospora caryophila, a highly infectious macronuclear symbiont of Paramecium. In agreement with the original description, H. caryophila is affiliated with the genus Holospora on the basis of morphology, life cycle peculiarities, and host specificity. Eight Paramecium strains (naturally infected with H. caryophila) were examined by comparative analysis of the SSU 16S rRNA of the infecting symbionts and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments. Each investigated H. caryophila strain, including the type strain from P. biaurelia stock 562, showed 16S rRNA similarity values equal or lower than 87.8 % with the members of the genus Holospora accounted for in the analysis, including the type species Holospora undulata. As the phylogeny of the Holospora-like bacteria (HLBs) is increasing in resolution, the evolutionary pattern of the horizontal-transmission mechanism is revealed. Here, is shown on a molecular basis, that the ability of the infectious forms (IFs) to assemble in the connecting piece during the host nuclear division, is an apomorphy of the most specialized Holosporas, and has to be regarded as a highly advanced trait. According to the inability of H. caryophila to “induce” the connecting piece during the infective cycle, and the modest 16S rRNA similarity shared with others HLBs we propose its removal from the genus Holospora, its transfer to the new taxon Preeria, gen. nov., and the new combination Preeria caryophila comb. nov.. Furthermore, in a subgroup of the investigated H. caryophila strains, the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) and the 5’ end of the 23S rRNA gene have been characterized. The analysis of this region revealed an unexpected heterogeneous molecular composition between strains harbored by the two natural host morphospecies, namely the Paramecium aurelia complex and Paramecium caudatum.
Protists belonging to phylum Ciliophora are frequently colonized by intracellular bacteria traditionally referred to as “endosymbionts”. Among ciliates, Paramecium (Eukaryota, Alveolata, Ciliophora, Intramacronucleata) represents a suitable model for studying the biodiversity and phylogeny of these bacteria, as many as 60 prokaryotic organisms have been found to inhabit virtually all of its subcellular compartments. In this study is presented the first molecular description of Holospora caryophila, a highly infectious macronuclear symbiont of Paramecium. In agreement with the original description, H. caryophila is affiliated with the genus Holospora on the basis of morphology, life cycle peculiarities, and host specificity. Eight Paramecium strains (naturally infected with H. caryophila) were examined by comparative analysis of the SSU 16S rRNA of the infecting symbionts and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments. Each investigated H. caryophila strain, including the type strain from P. biaurelia stock 562, showed 16S rRNA similarity values equal or lower than 87.8 % with the members of the genus Holospora accounted for in the analysis, including the type species Holospora undulata. As the phylogeny of the Holospora-like bacteria (HLBs) is increasing in resolution, the evolutionary pattern of the horizontal-transmission mechanism is revealed. Here, is shown on a molecular basis, that the ability of the infectious forms (IFs) to assemble in the connecting piece during the host nuclear division, is an apomorphy of the most specialized Holosporas, and has to be regarded as a highly advanced trait. According to the inability of H. caryophila to “induce” the connecting piece during the infective cycle, and the modest 16S rRNA similarity shared with others HLBs we propose its removal from the genus Holospora, its transfer to the new taxon Preeria, gen. nov., and the new combination Preeria caryophila comb. nov.. Furthermore, in a subgroup of the investigated H. caryophila strains, the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) and the 5’ end of the 23S rRNA gene have been characterized. The analysis of this region revealed an unexpected heterogeneous molecular composition between strains harbored by the two natural host morphospecies, namely the Paramecium aurelia complex and Paramecium caudatum.
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