Tesi etd-11082023-125933 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Real-Time Affective Experience: il contributo degli stimoli naturalistici allo studio delle reazioni emotive e dei tratti di personalità
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Cecchetti, Luca
correlatore Dott.ssa Sampaolo, Erika
correlatore Dott.ssa Sampaolo, Erika
Parole chiave
- affective experience
- correlazione inter-individuale
- empathy
- empatia
- esperienza affettiva
- inter-subject correlation
- naturalistic stimulation
- personality traits
- stimolazione naturalistica
- tratti di personalità
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
Le emozioni sono reazioni a eventi interni o esterni salienti, che innescano cambiamenti sia corporei che comportamentali e rivestono un ruolo cruciale nel determinare il significato della nostra esistenza, influenzando molteplici aspetti della nostra vita, dalle decisioni che prendiamo o i ricordi che conserviamo, agli schemi di interazione con gli altri. Nell’ambito delle scienze affettive, un aspetto particolarmente dibattuto riguarda la misura in cui le istanze emotive siano influenzate dalle caratteristiche idiosincratiche degli individui piuttosto che dalle proprietà percettive della situazione valutata. Il presente elaborato si propone di investigare la relazione che intercorre tra differenze inter-individuali nei punteggi ottenuti a questionari psicometrici che valutano tratti di personalità, abilità empatiche e reattività emotiva e differenze tra stati emotivi rilevati in tempo reale, sulla base di 20 categorie emotive, durante la visione di un film. I risultati dimostrano un’effettiva sincronizzazione dell’esperienza affettiva tra i partecipanti nell’utilizzo delle categorie proposte durante specifiche scene del film. Inoltre, sulla base delle differenze inter-soggettive riscontrate nei resoconti affettivi è possibile predire le differenze tra coppie di partecipanti in termini di disregolazione emotiva negativa, emotività negativa, pensiero orientato verso l’esterno e intensità emotiva positiva, valutate con strumenti tradizionali, come i questionari self-report.
Emotions can be considered as responses to salient internal or external events, that trigger physiological and behavioral changes. They play a crucial role in shaping our lives and influence multiple aspects of our existence, ranging from our decision-making processes and memories to our social interactions. In the field of affective sciences, a highly debated issue concerns the extent to which emotional instances are influenced by the idiosyncratic characteristics of individuals rather than the perceptual properties of the situation being appraised. The present work aims to investigate the relationship between inter-individual differences in the scores obtained on several psychometric questionnaires assessing personality traits, empathic abilities, and emotional reactions and differences in the real-time affective experience, recorded using 20 emotional categories while watching a movie. Our findings reveal an effective synchronization in participants’ emotional experience as demonstrated by the consistent usage of the proposed categories during specific moments of the plot. Moreover, based on the inter-subjective differences found in the affective reports, it is possible to significantly predict differences between pairs of participants in terms of negative emotional dysregulation, negative emotionality, externally-oriented thinking, and positive emotional intensity, as assessed by self-report questionnaires.
Emotions can be considered as responses to salient internal or external events, that trigger physiological and behavioral changes. They play a crucial role in shaping our lives and influence multiple aspects of our existence, ranging from our decision-making processes and memories to our social interactions. In the field of affective sciences, a highly debated issue concerns the extent to which emotional instances are influenced by the idiosyncratic characteristics of individuals rather than the perceptual properties of the situation being appraised. The present work aims to investigate the relationship between inter-individual differences in the scores obtained on several psychometric questionnaires assessing personality traits, empathic abilities, and emotional reactions and differences in the real-time affective experience, recorded using 20 emotional categories while watching a movie. Our findings reveal an effective synchronization in participants’ emotional experience as demonstrated by the consistent usage of the proposed categories during specific moments of the plot. Moreover, based on the inter-subjective differences found in the affective reports, it is possible to significantly predict differences between pairs of participants in terms of negative emotional dysregulation, negative emotionality, externally-oriented thinking, and positive emotional intensity, as assessed by self-report questionnaires.
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Tesi non consultabile. |