Tesi etd-11082021-114306 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Studio della fluidodinamica della procedura di shunt modificato di Blalock-Taussig mediante simulazioni CFD
Corso di studi
relatore Prof.ssa Celi, Simona
tutor Ing. Vignali, Emanuele
tutor Ing. Vignali, Emanuele
Parole chiave
- Blalock-Taussig
- cchd
- chd
- cianosi
- cyanosis
- mbts
- shunt
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Le cardiopatie congenite sono malformazioni che interessano componenti anatomiche del cuore e sono presenti in 8 neonati su 1000. Tra queste, le cardiopatie congenite cianogene includono diversi difetti cardiaci che portano alla commistione di sangue ossigenato e deossigenato, ciò conduce a bassi livelli di ossigeno nel sangue e, quindi, alla cianosi. Lo shunt modificato di Blalock-Taussig, MBTS, è una procedura chirurgica palliativa, che consiste in un condotto protesico in PTFE interposto tra l’arteria succlavia, o l’anonima, e la polmonare omolaterale, in maniera tale che il sangue possa fluire dalle arterie sistemiche ai polmoni per aumentare la saturazione di ossigeno del sangue arterioso, alleviare la cianosi e permettere la crescita delle arterie polmonati. Tuttavia, i dati suggeriscono che il MBTS rappresenta ancora una procedura ad alto rischio, con una mortalità complessiva del 7.2%. A causa della difficoltà di analizzare il risultato di un intervento di MBTS direttamente in vivo, la fluidodinamica computazionale è stata gradualmente accettata da molti clinici per studi sulle proprietà emodinamiche a seguito dell’impianto. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è rappresentato dalla realizzazione di simulazioni numeriche di tipo CFD in ANSYS Fluent, in grado di riprodurre l’andamento del flusso sanguigno attraverso un MBTS, al fine di analizzare le diverse situazioni che potrebbero presentarsi nella pratica clinica e, quindi, di prevedere l’esito dell’impianto.
Congenital heart diseases are malformations affecting anatomical components of the heart and are present in 8 out of 1000 newborns. Among these, cyanotic congenital heart diseases include several heart defects that lead to the admixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, which leads to low levels of oxygen in the blood and, therefore, to cyanosis. The modified Blalock-Taussig shunt, MBTS, is a palliative surgical procedure, which consists of a PTFE prosthetic duct placed between the subclavian, or anonymous, and the ipsilateral pulmonary artery, so that blood can flow from the systemic arteries to the lungs to increase arterial blood oxygen saturation, relieve cyanosis, and allow pulmonary arteries to grow. However, data suggest that MBTS still represents a high-risk procedure, with an overall mortality of 7.2%. Due to the difficulty of analyzing the result of an MBTS intervention directly in vivo, computational fluid dynamics has gradually been accepted by many clinicians for studies on the hemodynamic properties following implantation. The purpose of this thesis work is represented by the realization of CFD numerical simulations in ANSYS Fluent, able to reproduce the blood flow trend through an MBTS, in order to analyze the different situations that could arise in clinical practice and, therefore, to predict the outcome of the intervention.
Congenital heart diseases are malformations affecting anatomical components of the heart and are present in 8 out of 1000 newborns. Among these, cyanotic congenital heart diseases include several heart defects that lead to the admixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, which leads to low levels of oxygen in the blood and, therefore, to cyanosis. The modified Blalock-Taussig shunt, MBTS, is a palliative surgical procedure, which consists of a PTFE prosthetic duct placed between the subclavian, or anonymous, and the ipsilateral pulmonary artery, so that blood can flow from the systemic arteries to the lungs to increase arterial blood oxygen saturation, relieve cyanosis, and allow pulmonary arteries to grow. However, data suggest that MBTS still represents a high-risk procedure, with an overall mortality of 7.2%. Due to the difficulty of analyzing the result of an MBTS intervention directly in vivo, computational fluid dynamics has gradually been accepted by many clinicians for studies on the hemodynamic properties following implantation. The purpose of this thesis work is represented by the realization of CFD numerical simulations in ANSYS Fluent, able to reproduce the blood flow trend through an MBTS, in order to analyze the different situations that could arise in clinical practice and, therefore, to predict the outcome of the intervention.
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Tesi non consultabile. |