Tesi etd-11062023-090620 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Cecchetti, Luca
correlatore Dott.ssa Bucci, Erika
correlatore Dott. Lionello, Matteo
correlatore Dott.ssa Bucci, Erika
correlatore Dott. Lionello, Matteo
Parole chiave
- emotional experience
- esperienza emotiva
- espressioni facciali
- face landmarks detection
- facial expression
- intersubject synchronisation
- naturalistic stimulation
- sincronizzazione interindividuale
- stimolazione naturalistica
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
Gli esseri umani sono creature profondamente emotive e l’espressione degli stati interni avviene preferenzialmente tramite il volto. Sebbene numerosi studi nel campo delle neuroscienze affettive abbiano dimostrato come le esperienze emotive dei soggetti tendano a sincronizzarsi in certe circostanze (e.g., durante la visione di un film), rimane da chiarire se tale condivisione si rifletta anche in una sincronizzazione delle espressioni facciali. Il presente studio pilota si propone di indagare la sincronicità dei movimenti espressivi del volto durante la visione di un cortometraggio emotivamente carico: “Il Circo della Farfalla”. Durante la visione del filmato, i partecipanti segnalavano in maniera continua l’intensità delle emozioni esperite, mentre le loro espressioni facciali venivano registrate da una videocamera montata su un casco. Grazie all’utilizzo di un algoritmo di apprendimento automatico, abbiamo ricostruito i movimenti espressivi dei partecipanti tramite tracciamento delle traiettorie di specifici punti nel volto (i.e., landmarks). I risultati ottenuti mostrano una significativa sincronizzazione interindividuale in corrispondenza di punti localizzati in prossimità della bocca e degli occhi che tendono a muoversi similmente tra partecipanti. In più, a partire dai movimenti facciali dei soggetti siamo in grado di predire la corrispondente intensità emotiva sperimentata durante la visione del cortometraggio. In conclusione, il nostro studio mette in evidenza lo stretto legame esistente tra esperienza emotiva interna ed espressione di tale esperienza all’esterno.
Humans are deeply emotional creatures and the expression of internal states occurs preferentially through the face. Although numerous studies in the field of affective neuroscience have shown that subjects' emotional experiences tend to synchronise under certain circumstances (e.g., while watching a film), it remains to be clarified whether this sharing is also reflected in a synchronisation of facial expressions. The present pilot study aims to investigate the synchronicity of expressive facial movements during the viewing of an emotionally charged short film: 'The Butterfly Circus'. While watching the film, participants continuously signalled the intensity of the emotions they experienced, while their facial expressions were recorded by a video camera mounted on a helmet. Using a machine learning algorithm, we reconstructed the participants' expressive movements by tracking the trajectories of specific points in the face (i.e., landmarks). The results obtained show significant inter-individual synchronisation at points located near the mouth and eyes that tend to move similarly between participants. In addition, from the subjects' facial movements we are able to predict the corresponding emotional intensity experienced while watching the short film. In conclusion, our study highlights the close connection between internal emotional experience and the expression of this experience externally.
Humans are deeply emotional creatures and the expression of internal states occurs preferentially through the face. Although numerous studies in the field of affective neuroscience have shown that subjects' emotional experiences tend to synchronise under certain circumstances (e.g., while watching a film), it remains to be clarified whether this sharing is also reflected in a synchronisation of facial expressions. The present pilot study aims to investigate the synchronicity of expressive facial movements during the viewing of an emotionally charged short film: 'The Butterfly Circus'. While watching the film, participants continuously signalled the intensity of the emotions they experienced, while their facial expressions were recorded by a video camera mounted on a helmet. Using a machine learning algorithm, we reconstructed the participants' expressive movements by tracking the trajectories of specific points in the face (i.e., landmarks). The results obtained show significant inter-individual synchronisation at points located near the mouth and eyes that tend to move similarly between participants. In addition, from the subjects' facial movements we are able to predict the corresponding emotional intensity experienced while watching the short film. In conclusion, our study highlights the close connection between internal emotional experience and the expression of this experience externally.
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Tesi non consultabile. |