Tesi etd-10302023-195537 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di specializzazione (4 anni)
Imaging ecografico dell’infarto polmonare: analisi morfologica ed evoluzione temporale
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Celi, Alessandro
relatore Prof.ssa Carrozzi, Laura
relatore Prof.ssa Carrozzi, Laura
Parole chiave
- ecografia toracica (thoracic ultrasound)
- infarto polmonare (pulmonary infarction)
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Lo scopo dello studio è stato analizzare attraverso l’ecografia del torace una casistica di pazienti con recente embolia polmonare associata a reperti consolidativi presenti alla TC compatibili con infarto polmonare. Da giugno a ottobre 2023 sono stati individuati 14 pazienti con uno o più addensamenti subpleurici ciascuno. Di ogni addensamento sono stati descritti morfologia, sede, dimensioni, margini, ecogenicità, presenza di broncogramma aereo o di “bubbly consolidation”, presenza di versamento pleurico e vascolarizzazione. L’ecografia toracica è stata eseguita al basale e ripetuta a una e a quattro settimane. È stato osservato un trend di riduzione dei diametri medi delle lesioni studiate. Sebbene l’angio-TC rimanga comunque il gold standard, gli ultrasuoni rappresentano un approccio non invasivo e ripetibile che potenzialmente potrebbe avere un ruolo nella valutazione diagnostica ed evolutiva dell’infarto polmonare e potrebbe rappresentare uno strumento adeguato allo studio del significato prognostico dell’andamento dell'infarto polmonare stesso.
The aim of the study was to analyze by thoracic ultrasound a case series of patients with recent pulmonary embolism associated with lung consolidations on CT scan compatible with pulmonary infarction. 14 patients with one or more subplerual consolidations were identified from June to October 2023. There was made description of site, shape, size, borders, echo pattern, presence of dynamic air bronchogram or "bubbly consolidation," presence of pleural effusion, and vascularization. Thoracic ultrasound was performed at baseline and repeated at one and four weeks. A reduction in mean diameters was observed. Although angio-CT still remains the gold standard, ultrasound represents a noninvasive and repeatable approach that could potentially play a role in the evaluation of pulmonary infarction and could represent an appropriate tool for the study of the prognostic significance of its progression.
The aim of the study was to analyze by thoracic ultrasound a case series of patients with recent pulmonary embolism associated with lung consolidations on CT scan compatible with pulmonary infarction. 14 patients with one or more subplerual consolidations were identified from June to October 2023. There was made description of site, shape, size, borders, echo pattern, presence of dynamic air bronchogram or "bubbly consolidation," presence of pleural effusion, and vascularization. Thoracic ultrasound was performed at baseline and repeated at one and four weeks. A reduction in mean diameters was observed. Although angio-CT still remains the gold standard, ultrasound represents a noninvasive and repeatable approach that could potentially play a role in the evaluation of pulmonary infarction and could represent an appropriate tool for the study of the prognostic significance of its progression.
Nome file | Dimensione |
La tesi non è consultabile. |