Tesi etd-10292012-145501 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Combustion kinetics of coal in oxy-firing conditions
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Tognotti, Leonardo
relatore Dott. Coraggio, Giovanni
relatore Dott. Coraggio, Giovanni
Parole chiave
- coal combustion
- oxy-fuel combustion
- Relcom
Data inizio appello
Data di rilascio
Questo lavoro di tesi rientra nella prima fase del progetto Relcom cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea, che riguarda la caratterizzazione di tre carboni bituminosi ad alto tenore di volatili, in condizioni di combustione convenzionale e di ossicombustione. La parte di ricerca in letteratura evidenzia le principali differenze tra combustione convenzionale e ossicombustione: dallo scambio termico, a devolatilizzazione, ignizione dei volatili e ossidazione del char, da propagazione e stabilità di fiamma, alla formazione di sostanze inquinanti. Anche l’impianto e le strumentazioni utilizzate, e le procedure adottate sono descritte in dettaglio. Per la parte sperimentale, campioni di carbone parzialmente devolatilizzato e char parzialmente combusto sono stati prodotti nella prima campagna di agosto 2012 sull’IPFR – Isothermal Plug Flow Reactor – gestito da personale IFRF – International Flame Research Foundation – all’interno dell’area sperimentale Enel di Livorno. L’IPFR è un reattore a flusso trascinato che permette una velocità di riscaldamento delle particelle iniettate molto elevata, simile a quella che si incontra nelle caldaie industriali. Sui campioni sono state effettuate approfondite analisi di laboratorio: termogravimetrica, elementare, granulometrica, di composizione delle ceneri, per individuare le differenze tra combustione convenzionale ed ossicombustione. In particolare è stata calcolata la conversione secondo il metodo “ash tracer”, e sono state determinate le cinetiche di devolatilizzazione e ossidazione del char e il contributo della gassificazione del char dovuta all’elevata concentrazione di anidride carbonica in condizioni di ossicombustione. Sono stati confrontati anche la composizione elementare dei volatili e del materiale rilasciato durante la combustione del char, la distribuzione granulometrica e la reattività del char nei due casi considerati. I risultati delle analisi e dei confronti effettuati sono stati spiegati secondo le teorie presenti in letteratura e concordano con quelli di studi sperimentali precedentemente pubblicati.
This thesis work is part of the first task of the Relcom European Union co-funded project, concerning characterization of three high-volatile bituminous coals both in conventional and oxy-fuel combustion. The literature review highlights the several differences between air and oxy-firing: from heat exchange to devolatilization, volatile ignition, char oxidation, from flame propagation and stability to pollutant substances formation. The experimental facility as well as the adopted procedure are also described in detail. For the experimental section, samples of partially devolatilized coal and partially burnt char have been produced during the first campaign which took place in August, 2012 on the IPFR – Isothermal Plug Flow Reactor – run by IFRF personnel within the Enel experimental area in Livorno. The IPFR is an entrained flow reactor which is characterized by a very high heating rate of injected solid particles, similar to that of industrial boilers. Several laboratory analyses have been carried out on the collected samples: thermogravimetric-proximate, ultimate, particle size distribution, ash composition, in order to identify the main differences between conventional and oxy-fuel combustion. In particular, conversion has been calculated according to the ash tracer method; devolatilization and char oxidation kinetics have been determined, as well as the contribution of gasification reaction to the overall conversion due to the higher carbon dioxide partial pressure measured when operating in oxy-fuel combustion. Also the elementary composition of volatiles and released matter during combustion, as well as the particle size distributions, and char reactivity have been compared. The results of the analyses and the comparisons have been explicated according to the existent theories in literature, and they agree with the main previously published experimental studies.
This thesis work is part of the first task of the Relcom European Union co-funded project, concerning characterization of three high-volatile bituminous coals both in conventional and oxy-fuel combustion. The literature review highlights the several differences between air and oxy-firing: from heat exchange to devolatilization, volatile ignition, char oxidation, from flame propagation and stability to pollutant substances formation. The experimental facility as well as the adopted procedure are also described in detail. For the experimental section, samples of partially devolatilized coal and partially burnt char have been produced during the first campaign which took place in August, 2012 on the IPFR – Isothermal Plug Flow Reactor – run by IFRF personnel within the Enel experimental area in Livorno. The IPFR is an entrained flow reactor which is characterized by a very high heating rate of injected solid particles, similar to that of industrial boilers. Several laboratory analyses have been carried out on the collected samples: thermogravimetric-proximate, ultimate, particle size distribution, ash composition, in order to identify the main differences between conventional and oxy-fuel combustion. In particular, conversion has been calculated according to the ash tracer method; devolatilization and char oxidation kinetics have been determined, as well as the contribution of gasification reaction to the overall conversion due to the higher carbon dioxide partial pressure measured when operating in oxy-fuel combustion. Also the elementary composition of volatiles and released matter during combustion, as well as the particle size distributions, and char reactivity have been compared. The results of the analyses and the comparisons have been explicated according to the existent theories in literature, and they agree with the main previously published experimental studies.
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