Abstract This paper presents a Fractal model with an application at the financial markets like supposed by Benoit Mandelbrot in his paper “ Multifractal Model of Asset Returns” in 1974. Starting by Efficient Market Hypothesis, I will explain the theorical evolution based upon the important view which interests the financial markets that they lost the feature of the efficient markets overcame by the different theory proposed by Mandelbrot and others researchers. I will show as the markets became fractals respect to the past, where the prevalent view was based that they was efficient because the stock prices reflected all informations within the prices. These ideas are't right for Mandelbrot which he thinks that the financial markets are characterized by self similarity and also by time scaling proprierties; As such, the view rispect at the past is changed on financial markets and on risk, since now the studies that interests the risk management and asset allocation replaced at the traditionally research method with the technical approach based on Caos theory. However in this paper I will investigate these different methods to choose the trading strategies to manage a portfolio with a short term view monitoring four italian stocks.
Keywords : Efficient Market Hypothesis, Bachelier, Thèorie dè la Speculation,