Tesi etd-10272009-100112 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Minutolo, Filippo
correlatore Dott.ssa Granchi, Carlotta
correlatore Dott.ssa Granchi, Carlotta
Parole chiave
- aerobic glycolysis
- antitumorali
- glycolytic phenotype
- hypoxia
- ipossia tumorale
- lactate dehydrogenase A
Data inizio appello
Data di rilascio
Molti studi associano i tumori solidi localmente avanzati alla presenza di zone scarsamente ossigenate, generate da un rapido accrescimento dei tessuti non seguito da una rapida ed efficiente angiogenesi. L’up-regulation della glicolisi e della fermentazione lattica, con la contemporanea inibizione della fosforilazione ossidativa, sono un adattamento efficiente all’ipossia. Infatti, durante l’accrescimento tumorale, solo le cellule che cambiano il loro metabolismo e passano al fenotipo glicolitico possono sopravvivere. Inoltre l’up-regulation della conversione del piruvato in acido lattico è associata all’invasione tumorale, mediate l’acidificazione dell’ambiente extracellulare. Lo sviluppo di zone ipossiche risulta quindi strettamente correlato al peggioramento della patologia. Lo switch metabolico è principalmente causato dall’attivazione del fattore ipossia inducibile (HIF-1), un fattore di trascrizione che è direttamente attivato dall’ambiente ipossico, e che è la causa della sovrespressione del GLUT-1, HK-1 e HK-2 e della lattato deidrogenasi A (LDH-A). Nella mio lavoro di tesi ho cercato di sintetizzare molecole in grado di inibire l’LDH-A. Bloccando la fermentazione lattica, le scarse quantità di cofattore NAD+ causano il blocco della glicolisi e, di conseguenza, l’interruzione dell’apporto energetico e della proliferazione tumorale.
Many studies associates locally advanced solid tumor with the presence of less oxygenated zones, generated by the extreme increase of tissues not related with a rapid ad efficient angiogenesis. The up-regulation of glycolysis and lactic fermentation, with the contemporaneous inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation, is a successful adaptation to hypoxia. Therefore, during the tumoral progression, only cells that change their metabolism and switch to glycolytic phenotype survive. Moreover the up-regulation of the conversion of pyruvate in lactic acid is associated with tumor invasion by the microenvironment acidification. So the development of hypoxic areas is very closely linked to the worsening of pathological condition. The metabolic switch is principally caused by the activation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1), a transcription factor that is activated by hypoxic stress, causing the over expression of GLUT1, HK1 and HK2, and lactate dehydrogenase A (LDH-A). In my thesis work I tried to synthesize molecules able to inhibit LDH-A, in fact, by inhibiting the lactic fermentation, the lack of NAD+ cofactors causes the block of glycolysis and, consequently, the interruption of energy production and tumor proliferation.
Many studies associates locally advanced solid tumor with the presence of less oxygenated zones, generated by the extreme increase of tissues not related with a rapid ad efficient angiogenesis. The up-regulation of glycolysis and lactic fermentation, with the contemporaneous inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation, is a successful adaptation to hypoxia. Therefore, during the tumoral progression, only cells that change their metabolism and switch to glycolytic phenotype survive. Moreover the up-regulation of the conversion of pyruvate in lactic acid is associated with tumor invasion by the microenvironment acidification. So the development of hypoxic areas is very closely linked to the worsening of pathological condition. The metabolic switch is principally caused by the activation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1), a transcription factor that is activated by hypoxic stress, causing the over expression of GLUT1, HK1 and HK2, and lactate dehydrogenase A (LDH-A). In my thesis work I tried to synthesize molecules able to inhibit LDH-A, in fact, by inhibiting the lactic fermentation, the lack of NAD+ cofactors causes the block of glycolysis and, consequently, the interruption of energy production and tumor proliferation.
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