Thesis etd-10222020-153009 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di specializzazione (4 anni)
Thesis title
Analisi dei fattori predittivi di recupero nei pazienti in riabilitazione intensiva post ictus
Course of study
relatore Prof. Macchi, Claudio
relatore Prof.ssa Cecchi, Francesca
relatore Prof.ssa Cecchi, Francesca
- biomarkers
- fattori predittivi di recupero
- fugl meyer assessment
- functional recovery
- ictus
- modified barthel index
- recupero funzionale
- rehabilitation
- riabilitazione
- stroke
- trunk control test
Graduation session start date
Release date
Nonostante i progressi nel trattamento delle malattie cerebrovascolari in fase acuta, lo stroke rimane un evento grave con importanti ricadute di salute pubblica, con 5 milioni di decessi ogni anno e un numero ancora maggiore di persone che sopravvivono con una disabilità cronica. In particolare, per quanto riguarda il recupero motorio, si stima che solo il 50% dei pazienti con emiparesi post ictus recuperino il cammino e solo il 5 - 20 % siano in grado di raggiungere un recupero completo della funzionalità dell’arto superiore (Feigin et al. 2018, Kwakkel et al 2003). Pertanto, i due obiettivi dello studio sono stati l’utilizzo di protocolli di valutazione standardizzati tra le strutture del Presidio Centro 1 della Fondazione Don Gnocchi (Firenze, Fivizzano, Massa e La Spezia) e la ricerca di biomarkers e di profili clinico funzionali di risposta a specifici trattamenti riabilitativi al fine di formulare la prognosi funzionale e indirizzare la riabilitazione verso la personalizzazione dell’intervento terapeutico. Sono state prese in considerazione le variazioni del Modified Barthel Index (MBI), della Fugl Meyer Assessment (FMA) e del Trunk Control Test (TCT) tra T0 e T1 in termini di delta, efficiency ed effectiveness confrontandole con i marcatori di complessità e le scale di valutazione somministrate all’ammissione in analisi univariate e multivariate.
Despite progress in the treatment of acute cerebrovascular disease, stroke remains a serious event with major public health consequences, with 5 million deaths each year and even more people surviving with chronic disability. In particular, with regard to motor recovery, it is estimated that only 50% of patients with post-stroke hemiparesis recover the ability to walk and only 5 - 20% are able to achieve full recovery of upper limb function (Feigin et al. 2018, Kwakkel et al. 2003). Therefore, the two objectives of the study were the use of standardized evaluation protocols among the structures of the Presidium Center 1 of the Don Gnocchi Foundation (Florence, Fivizzano, Massa and La Spezia) and the research of biomarkers and clinical functional profiles of response to specific rehabilitative treatments in order to formulate the functional prognosis and direct rehabilitation towards the customization of therapeutic intervention. Variations in the Modified Barthel Index (MBI), Fugl Meyer Assessment (FMA) and Trunk Control Test (TCT) between T0 and T1 in terms of delta, efficiency and effectiveness were taken into account by comparing them with the complexity markers and scales administered at admission in univariate and multivariate analyses.
Despite progress in the treatment of acute cerebrovascular disease, stroke remains a serious event with major public health consequences, with 5 million deaths each year and even more people surviving with chronic disability. In particular, with regard to motor recovery, it is estimated that only 50% of patients with post-stroke hemiparesis recover the ability to walk and only 5 - 20% are able to achieve full recovery of upper limb function (Feigin et al. 2018, Kwakkel et al. 2003). Therefore, the two objectives of the study were the use of standardized evaluation protocols among the structures of the Presidium Center 1 of the Don Gnocchi Foundation (Florence, Fivizzano, Massa and La Spezia) and the research of biomarkers and clinical functional profiles of response to specific rehabilitative treatments in order to formulate the functional prognosis and direct rehabilitation towards the customization of therapeutic intervention. Variations in the Modified Barthel Index (MBI), Fugl Meyer Assessment (FMA) and Trunk Control Test (TCT) between T0 and T1 in terms of delta, efficiency and effectiveness were taken into account by comparing them with the complexity markers and scales administered at admission in univariate and multivariate analyses.
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