Tesi etd-10222015-144243 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
Implementazione e Sviluppo di uno strumento di Negoziazione del prezzo del pellame: Il caso Celine Production
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Lanzetta, Michele
correlatore Dott. Gronchi, Michela
correlatore Ing. Francolini, Luca
correlatore Dott. Gronchi, Michela
correlatore Ing. Francolini, Luca
Parole chiave
- costi
- leather
- negoziazione
- processo conciario
- ufficio acquisiti
Data inizio appello
Questo lavoro di tesi si inserisce nell’ambito di un’attività di tirocinio svolta presso Céline Production s.r.l. –LVMH Group, che si approvvigiona di pellame di qualità eccellente per produrre borse di elevato valore; nasce quindi l’esigenza di aumentare la competizione tra fornitori di uno stesso articolo senza perdere in qualità ma continuando a creare valore per tutti gli stakeholder. L’attuale scenario economico e finanziario comporta la difficoltà per le imprese di soddisfare contemporaneamente le richieste del mercato e gli obiettivi di profitto. L’attività di acquisto assume in questo contesto un ruolo fondamentale mirando a ottenere il massimo valore dal prodotto, dove per “valore” s’intende il rapporto tra prestazione e costo totale; il risparmio di costo non deve quindi essere ricercato attraverso un semplice taglio della spesa aziendale, ma è frutto di strategie volte al perseguimento di rilevanti risparmi mantenendo inalterata, o addirittura migliorando la qualità dei beni acquistati o le performance degli stessi fornitori. Lo scopo del presente elaborato è quello di sviluppare uno strumento di negoziazione capace di valutare se i listini applicati dai fornitori sono allineati ai prezzi di mercato o se vengono proposti prezzi troppo elevati. I risultati ottenuti dalle ricerche effettuate e dai questionari sottoposti ai fornitori sono stati considerati affidabili e congruenti con la realtà sulla base di riscontri da parte di tecnici del settore. Per la validazione è stato preso un campione degli articoli di riferimento (quindici pelli) per i quali confrontare i prezzi creati dallo strumento con i listini concordati con i fornitori dai quali sono emersi scostamenti, ritenuti frizionali entro un certo range mentre sui restanti sono state fatte alcune considerazioni sulle politiche aziendali della conceria. Lo strumento sarà in grado di creare trattative sul prezzo in coerenza a quello proposto dal medesimo e creare savings e nuove collaborazioni ove possibile.
This thesis work is based on a study developed during an internship conducted at Cèline Production s.r.l. - LVMH Group. Céline requires leathers of excellent quality to manufacture high-value products. The creation of value for stakeholders lead the company to increase the competition among its various suppliers and constantly improve the level of efficiency of the procurement process. The current business environment entails many difficulties in the field of luxury goods for companies, which have to satisfy market demands and profit goals at the same time. The purchasing process plays a crucial role in this industry. These goals aim to increase the maximum value of the product, where “value” means the ratio between performances and total costs. Savings for high-value brands are not only simple costs reductions but also the result of smart business strategies that have the objective of maintaining or improving the quality of raw materials purchased thanks to the selection of high-value suppliers. The purpose of this study is to develop a negotiation tool for leather buyers to estimate if the suppliers’ price lists are aligned with market prices and evaluate suppliers’ reliability. The results obtained from these researches and the questionnaires submitted to suppliers have been reliable and coherent with reality through the confirmation of technical experts of the topic. A sample of fifteen types of leather has been taken into consideration in order to test the efficiency of the method and compare the prices proposed by the tool with suppliers’ offers. The outcomes of the research have shown some deviations, assumed to be expected in a certain error range. Out of this range it has been necessary to make some considerations related to the company policy. This tool can be used to obtain convenient prices creating relevant savings and start new possible partnerships.
This thesis work is based on a study developed during an internship conducted at Cèline Production s.r.l. - LVMH Group. Céline requires leathers of excellent quality to manufacture high-value products. The creation of value for stakeholders lead the company to increase the competition among its various suppliers and constantly improve the level of efficiency of the procurement process. The current business environment entails many difficulties in the field of luxury goods for companies, which have to satisfy market demands and profit goals at the same time. The purchasing process plays a crucial role in this industry. These goals aim to increase the maximum value of the product, where “value” means the ratio between performances and total costs. Savings for high-value brands are not only simple costs reductions but also the result of smart business strategies that have the objective of maintaining or improving the quality of raw materials purchased thanks to the selection of high-value suppliers. The purpose of this study is to develop a negotiation tool for leather buyers to estimate if the suppliers’ price lists are aligned with market prices and evaluate suppliers’ reliability. The results obtained from these researches and the questionnaires submitted to suppliers have been reliable and coherent with reality through the confirmation of technical experts of the topic. A sample of fifteen types of leather has been taken into consideration in order to test the efficiency of the method and compare the prices proposed by the tool with suppliers’ offers. The outcomes of the research have shown some deviations, assumed to be expected in a certain error range. Out of this range it has been necessary to make some considerations related to the company policy. This tool can be used to obtain convenient prices creating relevant savings and start new possible partnerships.
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