Tesi etd-10182013-130428 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea specialistica LC5
Valutazione farmacologica dei flavonoidi a livello cardiovascolare: effetti di Apigenina, Luteolina e Naringenina su cellule di muscolatura liscia vascolare umana.
Corso di studi
relatore Dott. Calderone, Vincenzo
correlatore Dott.ssa Martelli, Alma
relatore Prof.ssa Breschi, Maria Cristina
correlatore Dott.ssa Martelli, Alma
relatore Prof.ssa Breschi, Maria Cristina
Parole chiave
- cellule di muscolatura liscia vascolare umana
- Flavonoidi
- fluorescenza
- iperpolarizzazione
Data inizio appello
In questo studio è stata svolta un’indagine farmacologica sui flavonoidi. In particolar modo sono stati studiati tre tipi di flavonoidi 5-idrossi sostituiti (luteolina naringenina e apigenina) in quanto in passato era stato visto che flavonoidi 5-idrossi sostituiti avevano azione vasodilatatoria riconducibile ad una loro azione attivante sui canali del K+. Studi fatti in precedenza sui flavonoidi, eseguiti su modelli murini, avevano dimostrato che nei roditori tali sostanze andavano ad agire sui canali K+, in particolar modo sui BK, questo però non può bastare per sperare in una potenziale applicazione terapeutica dei flavonoidi sull’uomo, visto la distanza filogenetica tra uomo e roditore, e quindi le stesse sostanze sono state studiate anche su cellule umane, o meglio su HASMC (cellule di muscolatura liscia di aorta umana). I dati ottenuti non hanno confermato ciò che era stato evidenziato sui ratti, in quanto nell’uomo i tre flavonoidi hanno tre profili farmacodinamici differenti, forse dovuti alle lievi differenze nella struttura chimica, e soprattutto in nessuno dei tre casi è stato evidenziato un coinvolgimento dei canali BK. E’ importante però notare che tutti e tre hanno indotto un effetto iperpolarizzante suggerendo quindi un loro potenziale effetto benefico sul sistema cardiovascolare.
This study was an investigation on drug flavonoids. In particular, have been studied three types of 5-hydroxy substituted flavonoids (luteolin, apigenin and naringenin), as had been seen in the past that flavonoids 5-hydroxy vasodilator had replaced due to a triggering their action on K + channels. Studies done previously on flavonoids, performed on mouse models in rodents have shown that these substances were going to act on K + channels, especially on BK, but this is not enough to hope for a potential therapeutic application of flavonoids in humans, saw the phylogenetic distance between man and rodent, and then the same substances have also been studied on human cells, or rather of HASMC (smooth muscle cells of human aorta). The data obtained have not confirmed what had been highlighted on rats, as in humans the three flavonoids have three different pharmacodynamic profiles , possibly due to slight differences in chemical structure, and especially in none of the three cases was highlighted the involvement of BK channels. It is important to note, however, that all three have induced a hyperpolarizing effect suggesting a potential beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
This study was an investigation on drug flavonoids. In particular, have been studied three types of 5-hydroxy substituted flavonoids (luteolin, apigenin and naringenin), as had been seen in the past that flavonoids 5-hydroxy vasodilator had replaced due to a triggering their action on K + channels. Studies done previously on flavonoids, performed on mouse models in rodents have shown that these substances were going to act on K + channels, especially on BK, but this is not enough to hope for a potential therapeutic application of flavonoids in humans, saw the phylogenetic distance between man and rodent, and then the same substances have also been studied on human cells, or rather of HASMC (smooth muscle cells of human aorta). The data obtained have not confirmed what had been highlighted on rats, as in humans the three flavonoids have three different pharmacodynamic profiles , possibly due to slight differences in chemical structure, and especially in none of the three cases was highlighted the involvement of BK channels. It is important to note, however, that all three have induced a hyperpolarizing effect suggesting a potential beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
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