Tesi etd-10152020-171408 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
El Decreto Ley de amnistía en el regreso a la democracia en Chile.
Corso di studi
relatore Prof. Baldissara, Luca
Parole chiave
- decreto legge di amnistia - giustizia cilena.
Data inizio appello
Tesi non consultabile
Il Decreto Legge di Amnistia (nº2.191) emanato l’anno 1978 per la stessa Giunta militare cilena, decretava senza punizione i crimini commessi per i militari contro gli oppositori politici al regime (partiti dell’Unidad Popular), fu la Direzione Nazionale di Intelligenza (DINA) la principale favorita con questa amnistia per essere i principali responsabili della repressione nei primi anni di regime militare. Denominata anche come un “autoamnistia”, le sue conseguenze si possono studiare sul piano politico e giuridico, in speciale nel ritorno alla democrazia in Cile, quando c’è stata la discussione sulla forma che si doveva fare fronte con i crimini commessi dai militari nel passato immediato. Questa tesi propone uno studio delle conseguenze di questo Decreto Legge di Amnistia di 1978 nel ritorno alla democrazia in Cile, centrando l’analisi nella discussione politica che ha caratterizzato l’applicazione dell’amnistia in quegli anni, e le decisioni prese nell’ambito della giustizia di transizione cilena.
The Chilean Amnesty Law (Decree Law nº2.191) was published in April 1978, and one of the particularity of it was that the same military on the power decree amnesty for the crimes that committed the groups related with the politic persecution of the opposition parties (Unidad Popular), but these groups were integrated by militaries and a minor number for civilians. Also called “self-amnesty” was one important element that conditionated the justice during the time of the military power (till march 1990), and also was an important element in the discussion after the return of the democracy, about the justice against the crimes committed by military. This thesis proposes a study about the consequence of the Chilean Amnesty Law, and the importance of it in the justice after the return to the democracy in Chile.
The Chilean Amnesty Law (Decree Law nº2.191) was published in April 1978, and one of the particularity of it was that the same military on the power decree amnesty for the crimes that committed the groups related with the politic persecution of the opposition parties (Unidad Popular), but these groups were integrated by militaries and a minor number for civilians. Also called “self-amnesty” was one important element that conditionated the justice during the time of the military power (till march 1990), and also was an important element in the discussion after the return of the democracy, about the justice against the crimes committed by military. This thesis proposes a study about the consequence of the Chilean Amnesty Law, and the importance of it in the justice after the return to the democracy in Chile.
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Tesi non consultabile. |