Tesi etd-10132021-174328 |
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Tipo di tesi
Tesi di laurea magistrale
"Guardo gli asini che volano nel ciel"
Storia e attualita' del Volo del Ciuco, la festa degli Empolesi
Corso di studi
relatore Addobbati, Andrea
correlatore Dei, Fabio
correlatore Dei, Fabio
Parole chiave
- asino volante
- Cecco Santi
- Empoli
- feste neo-medievali
- flight of the donkey
- flying donkey
- Ippolito Neri
- La Presa di Saminiato
- mock-heroic poem
- neomedieval festival
- poema eroicomico
- popular tradition
- reenactment
- rievocazione storica
- tradizione popolare
- Volo del Ciuco
- volo dell’asino
Data inizio appello
Non consultabile
Data di rilascio
Analizzando le tracce presenti in documenti di archivio e in altre testimonianze, l’elaborato ripercorre la storia del Volo del Ciuco di Empoli (usanza strettamente legata alla storia della città) a partire dalle origini, circostanza sulla quale si avanza un’ipotesi nuova, fino alla sua rievocazione in tempi recenti, che si analizza dal punto di vista dell’antropologia culturale. Per secoli, in occasione del Corpus Domini, si faceva scorrere un asino con ali posticce lungo un canapo teso fra il campanile della chiesa principale e il loggiato del palazzo di fronte. La tradizione riconduceva l’origine dell’usanza alla rivalità con la vicina città di San Miniato, complice la diffusione del poema eroicomico settecentesco La Presa di Saminiato dell’empolese Ippolito Neri, che – romanzando un evento bellico di fine Trecento – reinterpretò l’usanza in chiave civica, accezione che contribuì a causarne l’abolizione nel 1861. La notorietà del poema e dello spettacolo ebbe un certo impatto sulla letteratura popolare, tanto che il volo dell’asino diventò l’adynaton per eccellenza, sinonimo di cosa impossibile da realizzare. Il volo veniva organizzato da una compagnia religiosa e, in virtù del legame con la chiesa, se ne propone l’interpretazione come sacra rappresentazione; altre interpretazioni emergono attraverso l’analisi comparata con manifestazioni similari, modelli (come il Volo della Colombina di Firenze) o imitazioni del volo empolese (come alcuni “voli” del Valdarno).
Analyzing the traces left in archival documents and in other records, this paper traces the history of the “Volo del Ciuco” of Empoli (a custom closely linked to the history of the city) starting from its origins, a circumstance on which a new hypothesis is advanced, up to its recent reenactment, which is analyzed from the point of view of cultural anthropology. For centuries, in occasion of Corpus Domini, a donkey with artificial wings was made to slide along a rope stretched between the bell tower of the main church and the opposite building. Tradition used to trace the origin of the custom to the rivalry with the nearby city of San Miniato, also as a consequence of the circulation of the eighteenth-century mock-heroic poem La Presa di Saminiato by Ippolito Neri, who - fictionalizing a war event of the late fourteenth century - reinterpreted the custom in a civic key, a meaning that contributed to its abolition in 1861. The notoriety of the poem and of the show had a certain impact on popular literature, so that the flight of the donkey became the adynaton par excellence, synonymous with something impossible to achieve. The flight was organized by a religious confraternity and, by reason of the link with the church, it can be seen as a “sacra rappresentazione”; other interpretations emerge through a comparative analysis with similar events, models (like the “Volo della Colombina” in Florence) or imitations of the flight of Empoli (such as some "flights" in the Valdarno area).
Analyzing the traces left in archival documents and in other records, this paper traces the history of the “Volo del Ciuco” of Empoli (a custom closely linked to the history of the city) starting from its origins, a circumstance on which a new hypothesis is advanced, up to its recent reenactment, which is analyzed from the point of view of cultural anthropology. For centuries, in occasion of Corpus Domini, a donkey with artificial wings was made to slide along a rope stretched between the bell tower of the main church and the opposite building. Tradition used to trace the origin of the custom to the rivalry with the nearby city of San Miniato, also as a consequence of the circulation of the eighteenth-century mock-heroic poem La Presa di Saminiato by Ippolito Neri, who - fictionalizing a war event of the late fourteenth century - reinterpreted the custom in a civic key, a meaning that contributed to its abolition in 1861. The notoriety of the poem and of the show had a certain impact on popular literature, so that the flight of the donkey became the adynaton par excellence, synonymous with something impossible to achieve. The flight was organized by a religious confraternity and, by reason of the link with the church, it can be seen as a “sacra rappresentazione”; other interpretations emerge through a comparative analysis with similar events, models (like the “Volo della Colombina” in Florence) or imitations of the flight of Empoli (such as some "flights" in the Valdarno area).
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Tesi non consultabile. |