Thesis etd-10132020-191553 |
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Thesis type
Tesi di specializzazione (4 anni)
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Course of study
relatore Prof. Casani, Augusto Pietro
relatore Dott. Dallan, Iacopo
relatore Dott. Dallan, Iacopo
- chirurgia ricostruttiva
- chirurgia testa collo
- head and neck surgery.
- lembo muscolo temporale
- mesostructure
- mesostruttura
- reconstructive surgery
- temporal muscle flap
Graduation session start date
Release date
Background. Il lembo di muscolo temporale è un lembo muscolare peduncolato utilizzabile in casi selezionati in grado di garantire una soddisfacente ricostruzione estetica e funzionale. Si sono valutati gli outcomes estetici e funzionali dopo ricostruzione della mesostruttura con lembo di muscolo temporale. Materiali e metodi. In questo lavoro sono stati analizzati retrospettivamente 29 pazienti, età media anni 64. con tumori maligni della mesostruttura, sottoposti dal 1 gennaio 2013 al 31 luglio 2019 presso le U.O ORL Universitaria e Audiologia e Foniatria ad interventi di maxillectomia e ricostruzione con lembo di muscolo temporale. Risultati. Dei 29 soggetti, 22 sono stati analizzati e hanno completato la valutazione clinica-osservazionale e firmato il consenso informato. Tutti i lembi sono stati eseguiti con successo chirurgico, 4 lembi revisionati in anestesia locale. Nessun decesso intra, peri e post operatorio immediato, nessuna infezione e/o necrosi del lembo. Alla visita di follow-up (25 ± 19 mesi), 5 soggetti (22.7%) avevano una recidiva locale e/o a distanza e 17 (77.3%) nessuna evidenza di malattia. La media del punteggio dell’outcome estetico è stata buona ed il punteggio relativo al questionario Version of Voice Handicap Index 30 sulla fonazione ha evidenziato difetti vocali minori con un risultato nel complesso soddisfacente. Il P-score dell’esame fibroscopico della deglutizione (FEES) (4.64±0.95) ha evidenziato assenza di segni di disfagia. Conclusioni. Il lembo di muscolo temporale è una buona opzione chirurgica per la ricostruzione dei difetti della mesostruttura, adatto particolarmente alla popolazione anziana o con comorbidità per cui è preferibile ridurre per quanto possibile i tempi operatori.
Background. The temporal muscle flap is a pedunculated muscle flap that can be used in selected cases able to guarantee a satisfactory aesthetic and functional reconstruction. Aesthetic and functional outcomes were evaluated after reconstruction of the mesostructure with temporal muscle flap. Materials and methods. In this work, 29 subjects, average age 64 years, were retrospectively analyzed with malignant tumors of the mesostructure, from 1 January 2013 to 31 July 2019 at the Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Department Of University of Pisa, subjected to maxillectomy and reconstruction with temporal muscle flap. Results. Of the 29 subjects, 22 were analyzed and completed the clinical-observational evaluation and signed informed consent. All flaps were performed with surgical success, 4 flaps revised under local anesthesia. No immediate intra, peri and postoperative deaths, no infection and/or necrosis of the flap. At the follow-up visit (25 ± 19 months), 5 subjects (22.7%) had local and/or distant recurrence and 17 (77.3%) no evidence of disease. The average of the aesthetic outcome score was good and the score relating to the Version of Voice Handicap Index 30 questionnaire on phonation showed minor vocal defects with an overall satisfactory result. The P-score of the fibroscopic examination of swallowing (FEES) (4.64 ± 0.95) showed no signs of dysphagia. Conclusions. The temporal muscle flap is a good surgical option for the reconstruction of defects of the mesostructure, particularly suitable for the elderly population or with comorbidities for which it is preferable to reduce the operating times as much as possible.
Background. The temporal muscle flap is a pedunculated muscle flap that can be used in selected cases able to guarantee a satisfactory aesthetic and functional reconstruction. Aesthetic and functional outcomes were evaluated after reconstruction of the mesostructure with temporal muscle flap. Materials and methods. In this work, 29 subjects, average age 64 years, were retrospectively analyzed with malignant tumors of the mesostructure, from 1 January 2013 to 31 July 2019 at the Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Department Of University of Pisa, subjected to maxillectomy and reconstruction with temporal muscle flap. Results. Of the 29 subjects, 22 were analyzed and completed the clinical-observational evaluation and signed informed consent. All flaps were performed with surgical success, 4 flaps revised under local anesthesia. No immediate intra, peri and postoperative deaths, no infection and/or necrosis of the flap. At the follow-up visit (25 ± 19 months), 5 subjects (22.7%) had local and/or distant recurrence and 17 (77.3%) no evidence of disease. The average of the aesthetic outcome score was good and the score relating to the Version of Voice Handicap Index 30 questionnaire on phonation showed minor vocal defects with an overall satisfactory result. The P-score of the fibroscopic examination of swallowing (FEES) (4.64 ± 0.95) showed no signs of dysphagia. Conclusions. The temporal muscle flap is a good surgical option for the reconstruction of defects of the mesostructure, particularly suitable for the elderly population or with comorbidities for which it is preferable to reduce the operating times as much as possible.
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